There are a number of public institutions responsible for the promotion of civic rights, security and justice in the District. They include the Ghana Police Service (GPS), the District Magistrate Court (DMC) and the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS).
The prevalence of law and order, and for that matter, peace in any society is paramount to any developmental take off. The maintenance of law and order and the combat of crime is the responsibility of the Police Service in the main, and the entire society at large. For an effective discharge of this unique role, the Ketu North District, with a projected population figure of 96,910 as at 2008, needs an adequate number of police personnel to execute the jobs primarily demanded from them.
There are six Police Stations in the District with the District Headquarters located at Dzodze.
A numerical Police strength of 88 will be ideal for the District for an effective service delivery. 66 out of this number, representing 75% are thus available. They are therefore inadequate in terms of numbers, to handle the numerous issues that run counter to the norms of society and subsequently that of the law of the land.
The District recorded only criminal cases between 2007-2008 with stealing and assault very high
Summary of key development issues
Virtually, all the structures of the various Police Stations have seen no major rehabilitation or renovation since time immemorial. This is the case with their office and residential accommodation. The offices need immediate attention in terms of rehabilitation, renovation and a general improvement in their current existing facilities to make them properly functional.
The District Police Administration has only one means of transport. Since the work of the police entails a lot of movement, there is the need for the police to be given very reliable and adequate means of transport.
Equipment on radio communications and crowd control are absolutely absent in the District. If procured, they would help the police in their day-to-day activities.
Judiciary Service
The District currently has one Magistrate Court for the administration of justice. This court convenes three times in a week. The Court has only one permanent magistrate with about nine other supporting staff.
Fire Service
Fire prevention and management has been the key responsibility of the Fire Service in the District. The importance of the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) can therefore not be overemphasized in the protection of life and property. The District has only one Fire Station located at Penyi.
Bushfire constitutes the major reported fire case followed by domestic fire. This highlights the importance of fire volunteers in every community to complement the efforts of the GNFS in the District. Currently, there are a limited number of fire volunteer groups in the District.
Date Created : 11/20/2017 7:44:26 AM