Projections in the educational sector are under two main categories – the number of teachers required and the number of school infrastructure required. The overarching assumption in the educational projections is that all children in the school going age will be in school during the plan years.
The projection for teachers shows that the Pre-School needs 343 teachers while the Primary school needs 74 teachers to effectively meet the educational needs of the pupils in the next four years. However, the JHS has more teachers in surplus. That is why a favourable teacher-pupil ratio of 1:19 is recorded. Also, it is because the baseline information for the projection includes information on untrained teachers. This therefore, necessitated formulation of training programmes in the medium term development plan.
Assumptions Underpinning Teacher Projections
- The enrolment rates for the various levels will not change significantly throughout the plan period.
- The annual population growth rates will remain constant throughout the plan period (2010-2013).
School Infrastructure
Assessment of educational needs cannot be complete without considering the environment in which teaching and learning takes place. The physical conditions under which teaching and learning are done must be conducive enough to accommodate participation.
In projecting for a classroom requirement, the assumption was that all backlogs will be provided at the end of each plan year and all existing stock remains the same where there is no backlog. The classroom -pupil ratio for each level is specified as: Pre-school-1:40, primary-1:40, JHS-1:40, SHS-1:35
1 nursery school will be a 3 unit classroom housing Nursery and KG 1&2
All backlogs will be catered for in each plan year
Age range for primary school is (6-11) years
1 primary school = 6 unit classroom block
1 JHS = 3 unit classroom block
The age group for JHS is (12-15)years
Computation from the table above portrays one significant fact that in terms of classrooms, backlogs are recorded throughout the four year period. This is a true reflection that quite a number of school classes are held under trees probably due to the high enrolment levels in the District. The table below present summaries of needs
Date Created : 11/20/2017 7:30:03 AM