Good Governance And Civic Responsibility

For the period under consideration and given the democratic dispensation, the District Assembly would pursue vigorously to participate in the Development processes and collaborate effectively to promote peace and stability by strengthening the Democratization process and improvement of institutional capacities to facilitate the operationalization of the Magistrate court to deliver justice to the people.   Also, Chiefs, Opinion leaders and the youth would be encouraged to  re-focus and redirect their energies into other areas geared towards creating the environment devoid of insecurity, but peaceful co-existence, which is vital for the development of the district.

Private Sector Competitiveness

The assembly expects to improve upon the low-income levels prevailing in the district by facilitating access to credit and ensuring a reduction in post harvest losses. Also, the Assembly would embark seriously irrigation agriculture on available water bodies for dry season gardening, which would go a long way to boost all year round employment.

The establishment of revenue database and organisation of regular training programmes for revenue staff would enhance efficiency and effectiveness in revenue mobilization. In addition, the revenue collection machinery would have to be over-hauled and assisted by substructures to be established. Fifty percent of revenue mobilised would have to be ceded to these substructures for development at their level. This is a sure way of improving revenue mobilisation drive in the district.

Food Security particularly within the six (6) of the dry season can be ensured taken into consideration our potentials in irrigation agriculture, diversification into livestock rearing, good post harvest management and increasing the shelf-life of our produce through agro-processing. The District Assembly would therefore pursue this option seriously

Human Resource Development 

Low literacy levels as development issue in the district could be addressed through the participation and ownership of schools by communities, PTAs and SMCs. Enrolment and retention of children especially girls in school could be enhanced when chiefs and Opinion Leaders have sufficient interest in education. As such Chiefs and Opinion Leaders in the various communities would be animated to develop sufficient interest required to sustain this agenda. With improved literacy level, enhanced skills development and the large tract fertile arable land available, unemployment could be reduced and this would go to affect income levels of households.

The Nanumba South District Assembly established by Legislative Instrument LI 1454 (1988) and later modified by LI 1640 (1998) currently has one (1) constituency,-eighteen (18) electoral areas, (3) area councils and thirty eight (38) unit committees. Staffs of the Area Councils and all unit committees are in place. The lower structures of the assembly need more support to function properly in decision-making to give meaning to decentralisation.

Administrative structure for district Management: In accordance with the Local Government Act, 1993, Act 462, the administrative structure of Nanumba South District Assembly is in place. Its Mission Statement is to facilitate the improvement of the quality of life of the people within the Assembly’s jurisdiction through the equitable provision of services for the total development of the district within the context of good governance.

Departments of the eleven decentralise departments, six are in existence and most of them are not properly constituted. They are:

  1. Central Administration
  2. Ghana Education Service
  3. Department of Health Services
  4. District Agriculture Development Unit 
  5. Social Welfare & Community Development
  6. Works Department

Function of district management

Public sector departments and agencies do not respond sufficiently to request from the people largely due to inadequate capacity and low motivation. Lack of means of transportation hinders effective movement of staff. The Assembly secured one pick-up from the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and Environment in addition to two old vehicles released from its parent district, Nanumba North. 

All other decentralised departments are making do with very old pick-ups from the same parent district. Cost of maintenance more than outweighs the available revenue.  The virtually non existence of descent living accommodation facilities in the district capital no doubt impacted negatively on staff performance. The Assembly is therefore focusing on the provision of living accommodation for workers as a matter of priority. Since the establishment of the district, the central administration has been operating in a temporal office where space and desks are inadequate for all staff. However, construction of the office building is almost finished and the official inauguration is planned by the end of the year 2006, and this improvement in working environment may positively affect the function of the District Assembly.  



Date Created : 11/18/2017 7:24:51 AM