Household Composition

The highest proportion of the household members is children (40.7%), followed by the heads (20.2%) then grandchildren (14.4%). Other relatives in the household and spouses constitute 9.2 percent and 7.8 percent of the household composition. The data shows a higher proportion of males (23.8%) than females (16.7%) are of heads. It is observed that slightly over two-fifths (43.1%) of children are male compared to their female counterparts of 38.5 percent.

Household Structure

The Household structure is determined by the people living together in one unit and their relationship to the head of household. Majority of the household population live in extended family household (63.1%) than nuclear family households (36.9%). Table 3.3 also shows that 26.8 percent of households in the district comprise of single parents living with their extended families and 21.5 percent of the households are nuclear family made up of head, spouse(s) and children only. One-fifth (20.5%) of the households are also made up of the extended family comprising of the head, spouse(s), children and relatives of the head.

There is more female single parent extended structure 29.7 percent than males 23.7 percent in the district. On the other hand, there are more males with nuclear family (Head, spouse(s) & children and extended family (Head spouse(s) children& Head’s relatives, 23% and 21.4% compared to females 19.7 percent in each case.


Data from the 2010 Population and Housing Census indicates that in the Ada West District, there are 6,826 houses with 1,718 located in the urban settlement and 5,108 in rural areas. In these housing units, there are 11,642 household resulting into 10.2 persons per house in the urban areas and 8.1 persons per house in rural areas. The higher population per house in the urban settlements point to health and other socio-economic implications for development.

The main construction material for outer wall in the District is the cement blocks/concrete (68.6%), followed by mud brick/earth (27.7%) and wooden outer walls (1.6 %)

The most common roofing material in the district is the slate/asbestos (52.6%), followed by the metal sheets (25.0%), the Thatch/Palm leaf or Raffia (19.4%) and Cement/Concrete (1.7%).


Date Created : 11/17/2017 5:24:07 AM