The structure of the local Economy

The local economy can structured in terms of the number of people engaged in the primary production, manufacturing and services. Agriculture and related work (including animal husbandry, forestry, fishing and hunting) is the predominant occupation and employs 61.7% of the active economic population, manufacturing 13.5%, commerce 11.6% and Service about 13.2% force.

National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP)

As indicated earlier, unemployment among the youth is quite high in the district. However, with the operation of the NYEP, the problem has been partially addressed. Since the inception of the program 414 people, especial the youth have been employed in the areas of Education, Health, Afforestation and Environment and Sanitation Sectors and police as indicated in the table below.

However there are thirty five (35) youth benefitting from skills and apprenticeship like Dress Making (25), and Mobile phone Repairs (10). Unfortunately, those employed in the areas of health and education sectors are laid off with a reason that they have exceeded the contract.

This has also worsen the unemployed situation in the District even though there is going to be new in-take of another consignment. There is therefore the need for the District to widening the acquisition of skills and apprenticeship training centres to equip the unemployed especially the youth to be self employed. Credit facilities should also be available and widened to expand small scale businesses

The structure of the local Economy

The local economy can structured in terms of the number of people engaged in the primary production, manufacturing and services. Agriculture and related work (including animal husbandry, forestry, fishing and hunting) is the predominant occupation and employs 61.7% of the active economic population, manufacturing 13.5%, commerce 11.6% and Service about 13.2% force.

Financial Institutions /Banking Service

The district has one commercial bank agency and no non-financial institutions like Insurance companies, Co-operative Credit Unions to provide essential services to promote and grow the local economy. However, there are few rural banks in the district located at Afransi, Nyanyano, Buduburam and Ekwamkrom, but another unfortunate thing is these few banks are not networked.

This in a way makes access to credit facilities very difficult and hence farmers, traders, fishermen and the small enterprises are denied an important factor of financial resources to grow such business and offer job opportunities to the unemployed.

Investment And Business Potential
Incentive Packages for investment

In addition to the incentives for investors at the national level under the Ghana Investment Code and Export Processing Act, the Gomoa East District though a new district offer the following as incentives:

•Offers the lowest rates and fees in the region.

•High level political will

•Land for industrial ventures.

•Assistance to prospective investors inquiring land.

Date Created : 11/17/2017 5:12:45 AM