District Development Focus

The district seeks to achieve "increased production and productivity levels of the various sectors of the District Economy through enhanced socio-economic infrastructure, Private Sector Participation, Access to basic social services, and Promote Active Participation in decision making". To achieve the above goal, the table below gives the various sub goals of the sectors of the district.

District Development Prospects
Population Projection

Population projection is vital within the development planning process. This is because the size and composition of human population changes overtime with corresponding changes in the numbers and levels of social infrastructure requirements. In this regard the population has been projected into the year 2009. For the purpose of this plan preparation, the Geometric method was used in view of its advantages over the other projection methods. Using a growth rate of 1.7% and 2000 population as the base year, the population has been projected based on the following Assumptions.


  1. The population growth rate of 1.7% will not change during the plan period.
  2. The net migration will not change significantly during the period.
  3. The current socio-economic factors that influence population will not change significantly during the plan period.

It can be seen that if the current socio-economic development of the district is to continue without significant changes, in which the growth rate of the population will not change significantly, the total population by the end of 2009

   Development Priorities

District Development Priorities

The identified issues of the district have been refined by subjecting them to the analysis of the Potentials, Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges of the district. Taking into consideration the community needs and aspirations and institutional priorities, the issues were then prioritized through a stakeholder workshop. In prioritizing the issues the Option Assessment Technique was used. This method allowed members to indicate their preference with reasons. The effects of the issues on the other sectors of the district were also analyzed before prioritization. In accordance with the GPRS II.










Date Created : 11/17/2017 4:02:19 AM