Location and Size
The District shares boundaries with the Republic of Togo to the East, Ho West District on southeast. The southwest of the District shares common boundary with South Dayi District; while on the northern section is Hohoe Municipal and the northwest is Kpando Municipal and North Dayi District. The total land area of the District is 553.0 square kilometers.
The District lies in the wet semi-equatorial climatic zone. Annual rainfall is between 1,016mm-1,210mm with an average of four to five (4-5) months dry season experienced between November and April. The usual rainfall pattern of double maxima regime has gradually changed giving a long stretch of rainy season starting from late April and ends in October.
Temperatures are high throughout the year and range from 26ºC in the coolest months to about 32ºC in the hottest month usually just before the rainy season. Mean monthly temperature is about 29oC.
Date Created : 11/17/2017 3:59:37 AM