Cultural Structure
Generally, the District is dominated by the Ewe ethnic group. According to history, the Ewes migrated from Notsie in the Republic of Togo in the early seventeenth (17th) century to settle in their present location and many other places in the Volta Region. The essence of their migration was to escape from the tyranny of King Agorkorli.
There are eleven (11) traditional areas in the District. Each traditional area is headed by a Paramount Chief however, in his absence, his Right Wing Chief acts. Queen Mothers on the other hand act as women leaders in every community or traditional area. The Paramount seat is the highest throne to which all other chiefs ascend depending on their lineage to the throne. Paramount Chiefs are supported by Sub-Chiefs and Divisional Chiefs.
Each traditional area has Council of Elders made up of Chiefs, Queen Mothers, Elders, Kingmakers, Assembly Members and Opinion Leaders who help to settle different forms of disputes ranging from land tenure, family and individual disputes.
Language and ethnicity
There are different ethnic groups found in the District. The major ethnic groups found in the District are the Ewes, Logba, Tafi and Nyagboand the major dialects spoken by these ethnic groups are Ewe, Akpana, Tegbor/Bagbor and Tutrugbu respectively.
The major religious groupings that exist in the District include the following; Christians (92.9%), Traditional African Religions (2.0%), Islam (1.8%) and others (1.4%). However, close to two percent (1.8%) of the population do not have any religions.
The District has several sites of historical, scientific and aesthetic importance serving as potential tourist attraction sites. Some of such sites are; 5 § The highest peak in Ghana Mt. “Afadza” (Afadjato) located at Liati-Wote § The Tagbo falls at Liati-Wote § Tizo waterfall at Liati-Soba § The sacred and rare species of Mona Monkeys at Tafi-Atome § Stalactite and Stalagmite caves at Logba-Tota § Akpom Waterfalls at Logba-Tota § Aflabo Waterfalls at Leklebi-Agbesia § Snake village at Liati-Soba § Cave and tunnel at Goviefe-Todzi § The “Kente” village at Tafi-Abuife
There are several festivals celebrated to mark different events in the District. Some of these festivals are celebrated to mark historic events, sacrifice of thanks giving and also to mark the harvest of a new crop. The major festivals celebrated in the District include “Lukusi” 4 celebrated by the people of Ve-Traditional Area to mark their migration from “Notsie”, their ancestral home. The “Agadevi” festival is celebrated by the people of Have to mark their survival from a historic landslide which occurred on 15June1933 destroying several properties but no live was lost.
The “Komabuza” festival on the other hand, is celebrated by the people of Liati to mark their annual home coming. The people of Tafi celebrate “DayiTitsoke” festival and “Zendo” festival by the people of Kpeve. Festive occasions are moments of family re-union and initiation of development projects and programme through fund raising activities.
Date Created : 11/17/2017 3:55:48 AM