Women participation in decision-making was very insignificant in the past. They were among the most vulnerable and lacked skills that could empower them economically. Girl-child education was also considered a waste of resources.
This wrong perception about women has taken a new dimension with pragmatic policies put in place to integrate them into the mainstream of society. The new Ministry of Women and Children Affairs is doing every possible to promote the interest of the vulnerable in society particularly women and children.
In the Pursuant of this objective the District Assembly in collaboration with relevant stakeholders including NBSSI and NGOs have supported and built the capacity of women socially economically and politically in the district.
Economically about 101 women groups and 270 individuals across the district have been empowered with entrepreneurial skill training, agro processing machines and financial support to actively engage in small scale economic activities to improve upon the standard of living. The gesture has raised the image of women since they are currently earning incomes and less dependent on their husbands for household needs.
Politically, a number of sensitization workshops have been organized for about 500 women in the ten Area Councils in the district. This is to increase their assertiveness to participate in the local governance of development in the district in order to ensure that their views are represented in the implementation of programmes and projects.
The capacities of women leaders and civic unions have been built through self- empowerment trainings to fight the course of women through public presentations. Women in this direction have been trained in leadership and public speaking skills to enhance their speaking against the abuse of women’s rights and their perpetrators.
Women in the district have benefited immensely through the effort of all the development stakeholders. Not withstanding this achievements a number of women still lack credit facilities to undertake economic ventures while those who have received credit assistance have refused timely repayment. This behavoiur has constrained effort of extending similar support services to other women who badly needs assistance to empower themselves economically.
Out of the current estimated district population of 89,158, 45% falls within the 0-14 age bracket. Since children are the most vulnerable groups in any population there is the need to ensure their proper upbringing.
The Ghana Health Service, District Assembly and NGOs in promoting the welfare of children in the district have supported them in diverse ways. The World Vision International apart from its frequent deforming of school children is currently supporting about 3659 children in basic education, providing feeding for 36 Nursery Schools and has provided loans to 63 parents to assist the education of their children. In addition to this it, sponsors referral cases and provides treated bed net for pregnant and nursing mothers.
The district assembly in collaboration with the GHS and the World Food Programme provides supplementary feeding and nutrition education to benefit children between the ages of 2-5years to help prevent malnutrition and under nutrition which is a health problem in the district. The GHS through it outreach programmes support children with food ration including sugar, a blend of corn and Soya as well as iodated salt.
In 2003 the GHS registered and enrolled 999 children on its supplementary feeding programme. The figure fell to 643 in 2004 and rose again to 1073 in 2005. This amply demonstrates the effort being put in place to reduce nutrient deficiency diseases in children by the GHS and her collaborators.
Not withstanding the enormous support from the benevolent organizations some parent sometimes withdraw their wards from school due to poverty. This is a source of worry and an indictment upon stakeholders in the education sector to increase public awareness on the importance of children education.
Physically Challenged
Attempts by the District to support the vulnerable in society have not neglected the physically challenged. This group of people has received various forms of financial assistance from World Vision International a Non Governmental Organization and the District Assembly between 2002 and 2005 respectively to undertake agro processing and other small scale economic activities.
This assistance has enabled them to play their roles economically as citizens contributing to the development of the district. However evaluation reports reveal the inadequate entrepreneurial and financial management capacity of these vulnerable groups. This should be a priority in furthering the course of physically challenged the district
Date Created : 11/16/2017 2:47:51 AM