Development Projections

Development Projections For 2006-2009 Based On The GPRS II.

The 2000 Population and Housing census report puts the district’s population at 133,632 representing 3.7% of the region’s total population of 3,612,950.  The current population growth rate is 3.1% which is higher than the regional growth rate of 2.5%.

Population projections

The district’s population has been projected up to the planning period so that accurate provision could be made in respect of economic and social services for the benefit of the population.

 Labour Force

The active labour force (15-60years) of the district is 40.5% of the total population. The district’s potential labour /working force for the plan period is briefly presented in the table below:

Service Projections

There is correlation between population growth and demand for basic social services and amenities.  For planning to be an effective tool in addressing societal problems, future demand for social services and amenities should be determined and proper strategies developed to achieve these demands. The table below shows the existing number of social services, acceptable national standard and the future requirements.

Development Priorities

The harmonized identified development problems have been linked to the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy II to determine whether the district development problem (s) is/are in tandem with GPRS II issue (s).

The development problem (s) has been scored against pillars of GPRS II to determine the strength of linkage between the harmonized development problems and pillars of GPRS II.

The result is shown in the underneath matrix:


 Strong linkage

Weak linkage

No linkage.

From the matrix, the following issues emerged as those that relate strongly to GPRS II:

Priority Setting

The problems identified to be addressed were numerous in relation to the available human and financial resources. To be able to obtain optimum benefits from resources to be utilized, the problems have been prioritized for interventions available for implementation based on the following set of criteria:

Impact on the population, especially the poor and vulnerable

Linkage effect on meeting basic human needs/rights

Significant multiplier effect on the local economy, job creation increase in income and growth. 

Goals And Objectives

The national development focus for 2006-2009 under the GPRS II is: To implement policies, strategies and programmes relating to continued macro economic stability, prioritized private sector-led growth, vigorous human resource development, good governance and civic responsibility that are necessary to thrust the economy into higher growth trajectory and accelerated poverty reduction.

District Development Focus

The development focus of Ahafo Ano South West District for 2006-2009 within the GPRS II is:

To create enabling environment for private business to thrive in the district through provision of support services such as access roads for transportation, electricity, development of ICT and to facilitate acquisition of land for large scale agriculture.

To pursue vigorous human resource development through provision of education infrastructure, health facilities, potable water, sanitation facilities, institutional strengthening, population management and programmes for the vulnerable and excluded. 

To ensure improved fiscal resource mobilization, enhanced decentralization by strengthening the sub-district structures, public safety and security, empowering woman and promotion of civic responsibility

District Development Goal

To achieve rapid and sustainable growth and improved living conditions through extensive participation of entire citizenry with guaranteed freedoms and protection within the confines of decentralized democratic principles.

Thematic Areas and Goals

The district has set for itself the following goals under the GPRS II within the plan period:

Private Sector Competitiveness

To encourage small scale industrial activities in the district.

To increase the level of agriculture production through modernized agriculture.

To promote the private investment in aqua culture.

Human Resource Development

To promote the use of family planning methods in the district.

To improve the standard of education by the district.

To increase access to vocational skills training for the youth.

To reduce prevalence of HIV and AIDS in the district.

To improve the health status of people in the district.

Good Governance and Civic Responsibility

To improve the level of revenue mobilization of the Assembly.

To improve socio-economic conditions of the vulnerable and excluded.

To strengthen the institutional capacity of the Assembly.

To improve upon security and safety of citizens



Date Created : 11/15/2017 7:36:59 AM