Development Prospects

The Development Prospects of the plan period is focused on the provision of the necessary framework through the process of finalizing the prioritization and establishing programme implementation arrangements.  This area critically analyses the existing infrastructure within the various sectors as envisioned by the GPRS II projections and the projections of the millennium development goals indications under the thematic area and in line with priority areas of the government and NDPC planning standards.  It is also aimed at correcting certain inherent and circumstantial anomalies within the projections that may occur within the plan period.

Projections for the Population

Projection for the population is crucial for the provision of facilities that would adequately cater for and improve the living standards of the people.  Using a projection of 1.7% increase (2002-2004) and the base year’s population of 87,525 the population figure by 2 2009 was projected at 101,864.

This arithmetic model was made based on the assumption that the population growth rate would remain unchanged and that net migration will be zero.  This projection is captured by the table below.


The Agricultural sector as stated earlier employs about 76% of the District labour force.  Projections are here focused on the livestock, crop sub-sector.  It is also envisioned that agro processing would form part of this for the competitiveness of the private sector.

The table below shows the projected growth of the agricultural sector within the plan period.
With the above projection the district intends to increase its revenue base by about 30% to enable strengthen the competitiveness of the private sector.

Projected Demand for Agric Extension Officers

The District as envisioned by the National target under GPRS II and the millennium goals uses the standard of one extension officer to 500.  So the demand for A.E.A over the plan period is clearly exemplified in the next page.

Currently the ratio of 1 extension officer to 4668 farmers is unacceptable in view of the role agriculture is expected to play in the development of the district.  This the DA projects to fill the vacancies in the E.O with 20 A.E.As

Projected Farm Size per Farmer

The Lawra Municipal envisages that the farm size per farmers will increase in view of the projections in the agricultural sector as captured in the table below:

Projections for Major Crops and Animals

Below are the projections for the major crops namely maize, millet, sorghum, yam, groundnut, cowpea, and soya beans.
The District anticipates stepping up the production levels in the cultivation of sorghum, millet, groundnut and cowpea where the district has a high potential.
Table: Projected Production Levels for Animals

Road Network

The competitiveness of the private sector depends to a large extent on the condition of road network linking agricultural production centers.  The situational analysis takes cognizance of on going works on the feeder roads in the district.  However, trunk roads have not fared as the feeder roads within the last planned period.  The table below gives a projection on the road network within the plan period.

Poultry, goats, pigs, sheep are the most commonly reared animals the district.  A shift from dependence on crop farming in farm animal (livestock) production especially in view of the long dry season would increase the income levels of the people

Electricity Projections

The national standard anticipates increasing rural electrification coverage by about 80%.  The Lawra Municipal anticipates achieving 16% electricity coverage by the end of December 2009.  Below are the projections for the period.

Market Infrastructure

As stated earlier, the market infrastructure in the district though much improved is not commensurate with vision or projection of the agriculture sector and the development of the private sector.  The focus here is the need or vision to construct/update some of the markets in the district with the plan period.(2006 – 2009) . The table below explains the projection.

Projection for Telecommunication Facilities

The focus of the District Assembly with regards to telecommunication facilities is now shifted from land lines to mobile phone facilities as well as the coverage levels of such mobile phone facilities.  The projected telecommunication facilities within the plan period is shown below

Human Resource Development

The projection of the District under Human Resource Development focuses on population, education, HIV/AIDS, health, water and sanitation and environment.


Projections depicted by the tables below are as a result of assessment and projects for the educational needs of the district as stated in the table.

From the above, it is clear that the District improves on the retention rate, especially of the girl child, even though the retention rate has on witness a significant improvement.  Accelerated improvement of the retention rate is crucial since most children of school going age drop out of school at the basic level.

Some of the schools are on that classroom infrastructure; others need to be rehabilitated while the rest only need expansion or additional classrooms. Even though the situation of teacher pupil ration has greatly improved, there is the need for the employment of more teachers to fill in the gap crated by teachers on UTTBE Programme and others either on transfer or on study leavers.  It is in this light that the REV programme where SSS leavers are trained should be improved upon and sustained.








































Date Created : 11/15/2017 3:26:24 AM