• Item
Lawra MP feeds WASSCE candidates from Brifoh SHS
MP donates to a community-initiated maternity ward project
MCE presents relief items to victims of Eremon SHTS fire disaster
MP donates 100 mattresses to Lawra SHS
Lawra: Rainstorm renders many homeless
“Prepare to relocate”– MCE to communities
Lawra Municipal Assembly block to be Renovated soon


Economy of the Municipality

Statistically, there is a high employment rate of 26,269 (78%) out of population of 34,269 above 15 years.  The unemployed constitute only 2% while 7,189 (20%) are inactive people within the active age cohort (GSS, 2013).

Majority of the employed (96%) are working in private informal sector which includes agriculture, small scale business,


Occupational Structure

Agriculture, forestry and fishing are the largest sectors in the District, employing about 72% of the employed population. The second largest sector is manufacturing which includes shea butter extraction, brewery, soap making, weaving, etc. The sector employs 8.9% of labour which is followed closely by commerce with 8.6%. The District’s occupational structure indicates how a vigorous agricultural development can contribute to poverty reduction in the District. Table1.8 presents the employment structure of the District.


This section of the review captures the summary of the major sources of incomes (funding sources) for programs and projects, and also the expenditures that were made within the period under review. The identified sources of funding included the central government releases including; the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF), GOG transfers, and District Development Facility (DDF). Other sources include, both international and local NGOs and other development partners, like the World Bank, JICA, among others. The Internal generated component of funding for projects and programs was infinitesimal.







Date Created : 11/15/2017 3:19:32 AM