Administrative Arrangements
Administrative and Institutional Arrangements
This section therefore touches on the composition and structure of the Asunafo North Municipal Assembly and other related institutions. The roles of these institutions and agencies in planning and implementation and hence, in the overall development of the district among other things, are also examined.
Composition of the Assembly
In line with the Local Government Act 1993 (Act 462), the Asunafo North Municipal Assembly is the highest political and administrative authority. As provided by section 5 of the Act, the Assembly consists of the following members.
The Municipal Chief Executive, one Assembly member elected from each of the 25 electoral areas. The member(s) of parliament from the constituencies that fall within the area of authority of the Assembly, Government appointee not exceed 30% of the total membership of the Assembly. There is also a presiding member elected from among the Assembly members.
Currently the Assembly has 26 elected Assembly Members and 13 government appointees with One (1) Member of Parliament as well as the Municipal Chief Executive of the Assembly making a total of 39 members. In addition there are; Executive Committee of 22 members which according to the Act, is chaired by the Municipal Chief Executive and is responsible for the performance of the executive and administrative functions of the Assembly;
There are also sub - Committees, Municipal Planning Co-ordinating Unit (MPCU), an Administrative unit, decentralized departments, other government agencies in the district.
The Executive Committee The Executive Committee is chaired by the Municipal Chief Executive and consists of not more than 2/3 majority of membership of the Assembly.
It has the following sub-committees:
- Social Services
- Agriculture
- Development Planning
- Works
- Justice and Security
- Finance and Administration
Section 21 of Act 462 provides that the Executive Committee shall, among other things; Co-ordinate plans programmes of the sub-committees and submit these as comprehensive plans of action to the Assembly. Develop and execute approved plans of the unit, area and town and sub-metropolitan districts as the case may be within the area of authority of the Assembly.
The whole concept of decentralization is grounded on the idea of popular participation in the decision – making process Therefore, the main policy objective of setting up the sub-district structures is to as much as possible involve the local people in the decision making processes.
Town/Area Councils Each Town/Area Council has not less than fifteen (15) or more than Twenty (20) members. This consist of:
Not more than five (5) persons elected among the members of the relevant Assembly who have been elected from electoral areas within the area of authority of the Town/Area Council.
Not more than Ten (10) representatives from the unit committees in the area of authority of the Town/Area Council elected annually and on rotational basis.
Such other persons ordinarily resident in the Town not exceeding five (5) in number appointed by the Municipal Chief Executive on behalf of the President.
Currently Asunafo North Municipal has five (1) Town, One Urban and Four Area Councils
- Mim Urban Council
- Goaso Town Council
- Ayomso Area Council
- Akrodie Area Council
- Dominase Area Council
- Asumura Area Council
Unit Committees
They consist of not more than fifteen (15) persons made up of:
Ten (10) persons ordinarily resident in the unit elected at a meeting called by the Electoral commission. Such other persons ordinarily resident in the unit not exceeding five (5) in number as may be appointed by the Municipal Chief executive on behalf of the President. The fact still remains that the sub-district institutions have a long way to go since they are not properly functioning due to the non-existence of permanent staff at the sub-District level.
The capacity of the councillors and unit committee members is also inadequate to perform their statutory functions effectively. In terms of office accommodation, only Akrodie have office accommodation. However, the facility is not being used due primarily to non-existence of permanent staff. There other sub structures operate from rented offices. Offices for Mim and Goaso are at their advance stages of Completion.
Relationship of the Assembly with other Institutions and Organizations
.There are a number of other institutions and organizations who work in collaboration with the Assembly towards the development of the municipality. They include public institutions, traditional authorities, multilateral and non-governmental and private business organizations.
Some of the public institutions include the Volta River Authority (VRA), Ghana Highways Authority (GHA), National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE) and Ghana Telecom. The traditional authorities (Chiefs) also play an important role in the development of the district. They are very instrumental in mobilizing resources for community development.
Date Created : 11/10/2017 2:46:28 AM