• Item
30km Kasoa –Winneba Highway project progressing steadily
MCE engages GPRTU –Kasoa branch
Residents lament over poor road at Ofaakor - Kasoa stretch
Awutu Senya East successfully inaugurates Assembly Members
Dozens of shops burnt to ashes near kasoa new market
MIDA constructs community road for Kasoa residents
Traders at Kasoa Market worry over low patronage


Disability Data from the 2010 PHC, Awutu Senya District report indicates that about 3.1percent of the district’s total population has one form of disability or the other. The proportion of the male population with disability is slightly lower (3.1%) than females (3.2%). The types of disability in the district include sight, hearing, speech, physical, intellect, and emotion. Persons with sight disability recorded the highest of 34 percent followed by physical disability (29.9%). There are slightly higher people with disability in the urban areas (3.7%) than in the rural areas (2.6%). Of the district population with disability 15 years and older, 59.3 percent are employed, 2.5 percent are unemployed while 38.5 percent are economically not active. Of the population disabled, 47.2 percent have never been to school.


Community Needs and Aspiration

The District Assembly, as part of its planning functions, is supposed to have Community or Area/Urban Council Development Plans (CDP) which would contain community needs and aspirations. These plans would serve as inputs into the DMTDP through the district sectoral plans. The CDPs may also serve as the medium for implementing the DMTDP at the community level.

However, due to logistical, financial and personnel constrains, the Municipality has not been able to oversee the preparation of these community and/or Area/Urban Council Plans. The situation has therefore resulted in the Municipality sourcing for community needs and aspirations to be captured (in the DMTD Plan) in the form of issues through public consultations.

The consultations were done on Area/Urban Council basis where Assembly Members were tasked to mobilise other key opinion leaders and ordinary citizens from communities in their electoral areas to gather at designated point for discussion on their needs and aspirations. The plan preparation team led the process and after the various needs and aspirations were identified, the gathering helped to prioritize the issues through the use of the pairwise ranking method.

The summary of community needs and aspirations identified during the data collection/public hearing exercise in the district are as follows:

• Extension of water (pipe borne and boreholes)
• Youth unemployment
• Bad access Road networks
• Households/Community toilets
• District Hospital/CHPS compound/health facilities
• Extension of electricity
• Urban/Area council office buildings
• Refuse disposal site
• Market
• Classroom blocks/school furniture
• ICT/Library
• Bridge over some small water bodies
• Lorry parks
• Police station and police vehicles
• Community centres/durbar grounds
• Senior High/Vocational Schools (Beraku and Jei-Krodua)
• Drainage/desilting
• Refuse containers
• Fence wall at royal cemetery (Beraku and Senya)
• Teachers’ accommodation/Dining Hall expansion for Obrachire SHS
• Street lighting system
• Pineapple factory
• Extension of School feeding programme
• Credit facilities
• Boys dormitory block for Senya SHS
• Child Trafficking
• Fish Landing site at Senya

Harmonisation of Community needs and aspirations with Identified Development Problems/Issues from review of Performance and Profiling from 2010-2013 Table 28:

Identified Development Issues under GSGDA II and NMTDPF, 2018-2021

Table 30:

Prioritisation of Development Issues

Development issues adopted from GSGDA II are prioritised by the DPCU taking into consideration the urgency and its strong correlation with achievement of the vision/gaols and objectives of the District in the medium term. The prioritisation process was also on based objectivity and supported by evidence of records. The following matrices were used in the prioritisation process:

POCC Analysis

Table 32:

Conclusion: Inadequate skills and entrepreneurial development can be positively addressed since significant potentials and opportunities exist. The Constraint can be addressed through developing synergies in designing the programme. Challenges can be managed through dialogue with development partners regarding funding and technical support for skills and entrepreneurial development.


Population Projection – 2010-2021

Table 33:



Table 39: AAP for 2018




Date Created : 10/29/2024 12:00:00 AM