The Awutu Senya East Municipal Assembly aspires to create an attractive knowledge based society with the enabling environment which provides equal opportunities and potentials for socio-economic development for her people.
The Municipal Assembly exists to facilitate improvement in the quality of life of the people within the Assembly’s jurisdiction through equitable provision of services for the total development of the municipality, within the context of Good Governance.
Core Values:
Share the same Core Values as our mother Service (Office of the Head of Local Government Service) which are: Accountability, Client-oriented, Creativity, Diligence, Discipline, Equity, Integrity, Innovativeness, Loyalty, Commitment, Anonymity, Impartiality, Permanence, Timeliness and Transparency
The functions of the Awutu Senya East Municipal Assembly are basically derived from statute, as mandated by Local Governance Act 936, 2016 and Legislative Instrument No. 2024 of 2012, which created it. These functions, which are broadly aimed at attaining its objectives and fulfilling its mission of improving the quality of life of its people, are to:
? be responsible for preparation and submission of the District development plans and budgets to the relevant Central Government Agency/Ministry through the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC);
? formulate and execute plans, programmes and strategies for the effective mobilization of the resources for the development of the district;
? promote and support productive activity and social development in the district and remove any obstacles to initiative and development;
? initiate programmes for the development of basic infrastructure and provide municipal works and services in the district;
? be responsible for the development, improvement and management of human settlements and the environment in the district;
? working in co-operation with the appropriate national and local security agencies be responsible for the maintenance for the security and public safety in the district;
? ensure ready access to courts and public tribunals in the district for the promotion of justice;
? initiate, sponsor or carry out such studies as may be necessary for the discharge of any of the functions conferred by Local Governance Act 936 or any other enactment and;
? to effectively and efficiently perform these functions, the Assembly requires variety of skills and professionals to man its various posts created to operate its organization structure.
With this Vision, Mission and responsibilities, the Assembly shall within the medium Term (2014- 2017), seek to significantly improve upon the quality of life of all persons irrespective of their race, sex, or any other consideration. This is to be achieved with the support and collaboration of all departments, agencies, individuals and the substructures of the district Assembly in a coordinated manner for the achievement of a holistic development for the Municipality and its people.
This would be done bearing in mind the following:
? The 40 year National Development Plan requirements and targets
? The Potentials and Opportunities available in the Assembly
? The Sub-district perspectives and community aspirations
? The Sustainable Development Goals
Date Created : 10/18/2024 12:00:00 AM