Kintampo Municipality celebrates International Girl Child Day

The Kintampo Municipal Assembly has organized a programme to mark this year’s International Girl Child Day with the theme ‘our time is now, our right our future”.

Date Created : 10/17/2022 : Story Author : Rufina Yuoni /Ghanadistricts

The day which is marked annually all over the world was celebrated in the Municipality with a two day programme which started on the 10th of October 2022 with float on some principal street of the Municipality with drumming and dancing plagued with words like; Empowering girls for a brighter tomorrow, if you educate a girl, you educate a nation, empower girls for nation building, girl child education prevent early marriage, girls education reduce poverty and so on.

The climax of the whole programme saw many school girls representing their schools with performances such as drama competition, poetry recitals and cultural dance.

The Municipal Education Director Mr. Sylvester Opoku in his address outlined some of the importance of education to the girl child in our societies, communities and nation at large notwithstanding the saying “the place of the girl is in the kitchen” he said. Mr. Opoku added that, the Kintampo Municipal education sector has seen the need for girl child education that is why a girl model school was put up to support education of the girls in the municipality.

His advice the girls to take their studies serious to attain good grates after school and become like some of the prominent women in the world holding very important positions.He then added that, girls in the municipality have been awarded in different skills of their school including sciences, maths and other academics. He said “what a man can do a women can equally do better” and for that matter they should aspire to attain those higher positions.

The Municipal Chief Executive Representative, Mrs. Ayariga in her address, gave a brief historical background of International Girl Child Day and asked all to study hard for them to be recognized internationally, she said the society should own the girl child education and give more care, love and moral support for them to study.

She again asked teachers and parents to all put hands on deck to support the girl child to make it in the future. “Girl should also be serious in their studies and take care of themselves by abstaining from pre-marital sex, and other social activities which can course harm in their education.

Invited guest such as Nananoum, the District NAT Secretary, DOVVSU officer, Department of Social Welfare, the representative of the Member of Parliament, Youth Authority all took their turn to advice these girls on good behavior and who to call on in case of problem and also outlined activities some of them are working on to take care of the youth in the municipality, most especially the girl child.

The Municipal Girl Child Coordinator Madam Jenet Addu-Baah in her address did not relent to talk about the importance of this programme, to the world at large. “This is why is an annual event which is met to create awareness for the education of a girl child to empowered women all over the world” she added.

Madam Adu-Baah stated that, barriers and practices has come to hinder girl child education such as; female genital mutilation (FGM), Early or forced child marriages, sexual abuse of the girl child and many more and that is why human rights valuation, and non- governmental organization (NGOs) such as UNICEF, National Gender Policy, etc. has come to support this important Couse to help our girls in development and for liberation.

In conclusion she asked all to bring their quote in supporting a girl child tor a better future and that, “as today being a crucial day worldwide a day to internationally celebrate the girl child, this year’s theme is more action oriented as it calls for girls to enjoy their rights now for better future” she said.