It is a statutory obligation of any government of a country, region, district and a spatial entity to ensure that its citizens are protected to go about their normal duties without fear of intimidation or oppression. Failure to do this will bring about anarchy in that spatial entity concerned and in the long run retarding its development.
There three (2) police stations within the district namely; Tutuka Police Station and the MTTU Station at Station at Asonkore. The Ghana Police Service is also supported by the District Urban Guards and other private security agencies which operate within some organizations and institutions.
District Police Service
The District Assembly in collaboration with the District Police Service is generally expected to maintain law and order, protect life and property by arresting and prosecuting those who fall foul of the law. There are police station located at Tutuka and Asonkore which provide assistance in the district.
2 Fire Service There is one government fire station in the district.
Date Created : 5/31/2023 12:00:00 AM