• Item
Sissala East residents confident President Will Walk the Talk
Threshing machine makes farming a day’s job at Sissala areas
Don’t Snub Sissalas in Ministerial Appointments - Sissala Youth Forum
Fonio crop introduced to farmers at Kong in Sissala East
Fertilizer dealers in Tumu appeal to truck drivers to transport goods from Tema
Tarring of Pulima-Jeffisi road in Sissala East begins
Farmers complain of high seed prices in Tumu




The Sissala  East  Municipal  Assembly  aspires  to  “provide  a  qualitative  living  standard  for  the  people  at  all  times”.


This is comparable with Ghana’s vision of “a just, free, and prosperous nation with high levels of national income and broad-based social development” as contained in the long-term National Development Plan (LTNDP 2018-2057)




The  Sissala   East    Municipal Assembly  exist   to  improve  the  livelihood  of  its  people  by  initiating  the  necessary  socio- economic  programmes   and   projects  creating an  enabling  environment  for  community  and  private sector  participation  for  development  of  the  municipality  in  collaboration with  all  stakeholders.




• Participation

• Professionalism

• Client Focus

• Transparency

• Efficient and effective use of resources

• accountability


FUNCTIONS: We do this by:

1. Formulation, executing, monitoring of plans and policies.

2. Providing basic socio-economic infrastructure

3. Effective coordination of Assembly departments, Sub-structures and NGOs.

4. To harness human and natural resources for development

5. Providing social protection for the poor and vulnerable

6. Maintaining Law and Order, capacity building and revenue Mmbilization



The 2014-2017 MTDP for the then Sissala East Municipalitywas developed through a series of participatory stakeholder workshops and meetings at the District, Area Council and Community levels.

In conformity with the national development blueprint, the plan covered six (6) thematic Areas out of the seven (7) thematic areas of the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda I (GSGDA I) namely;

1. Ensuring and Sustaining Macroeconomic Stability

2. Enhancing Competitiveness in Ghana’s Private Sector

3. Accelerated Agricultural Modernisation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management

4. Infrastructure, Energy and Human Settlement

5. Human development, productivity and employment

6. Transparent and Accountable Governance


Due the location and peculiarities of the district, the Oil and Gas thematic agenda did not reflect in the plan.

The overall goal of the 2014 – 2017 MTDP was to improve the living standard of the people towards attaining the Millennium Development Goals and attaining Middle Income status.


As part of preparation for the next MTDP (2018-2021), it became necessary to review the performance of the 2014 – 2017 Medium Term Development Plan. The performance review sought to find out the extent of implementation of proposed programmes and projects in terms of whether they were:


I. Fully implemented or on-going

II. Abandoned  or suspended (indicating whether started at all and level of implementation);

III. Not implemented or implemented but not in the MTDP.


The MPCU reviewed various data such as the Departmental Quarterly M&E reports, mid-term, terminal and participatory evaluation reports as well as baseline study reports in the 2014-2017 MTDP performance review process.


The assessment of performance largely analysed the followings areas:

1. The extent of implementation of all broad projects and activities under the programmes and sub-programmes as well as achievement of the policy objectives in relation to the indicators from 2014 to 2017 with respect to the appropriate thematic areas of GSGDA II.

2. Statement of income and expenditure of the Municipal.

3. Statement on the challenges identified during implementation and actions taken to address them.

4. Relevant lessons for the next planning phase.


The Assembly discussed the 2014-2017 MTDP Performance with its development stakeholders at a forum on Wednesday, 19th April, 2017 and the outcome are used as baselines for the MTDP, 2018-2021. Performance of the MMDA in the appropriate thematic areas of the MTDP under the GSGDA II (2014-2017) as summarised in Table 1.




Date Created : 1/25/2019 5:04:15 AM