Location and Size
The total land size is 7,115 sq. km, which is about 39% of the total landmass of the whole Upper West Region.
The District is located in the Northwestern portion of Ghana. It falls between longitude 1.30°w to 2.40°w and latitude 10.00° and to 11.00.
Topology and Drainage
The topography of the district is characterized by relatively flat lands with a few hills and many outcrops of fesh granite. The district is drained by two major tributaries of the White Volta; the Kulpown and Sissala rivers.
Climate and Vegetation
The climate of the Sisssala District is tropical-continental as experienced in the Northern Regions of Ghana. Temperatures throughout the year are high and this favours growth. The rainfall pattern is characterized by a single rainy seasonfrom May to September with the total number of rainy days ranging between 70 to 80 days.
The Sissala District is located in the Guinea Savanna vegetation belt. The vegetation consists of grasses with scattered fire resistant trees such as the shea tree the baobab and the dawadawa trees. Acacia is also a common tree of this vegetation belt.The heterogeneous collections of trees provide all domestic requirements for fuel wood and charcoal, construction of houses, cattle kraals and fencing of gardens. The shorter shrubs and grasses provide fodder for livestock.
The sheanut tree is one that is of great economic asset to the District and head portage has been the most common means of transporting the fruits from the farms to the houses. Provision of the most appropriate means of transport will greatly enhance the business in sheanuts.
Geology and Soil
There are a variety of soils in the district including savannah ochrosols, tropical brown earth and alluvial soils.
Date Created : 11/29/2017 7:49:51 AM