Relevant Data
Location and Size
The District is located in the North-Central portion of the Central Region of Ghana. It covers an area of 884.84 square kilometers. It is located between latitude 50 51” and 50 52” North and longitude 10 50” and 10 5” West. It is bordered on the North by Birim South District in the Eastern Region, on the South by Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam District, on the West by Assin South District and on the East by Agona East District.
The District is generally low lying ranging between 15m-100m above sea level. However, it is undulating with isolated patches of highland. There are swampy areas at certain portions of the low lands. The District is drained by Ochi River and its tributaries. The rivers are perennial and could be dammed for domestic and industrial purposes. It is also rich in fishes like Tilapia which is not being tapped. The Cape Coast granites rock basically underlines the District. These rocks which consist of granite and muscovite granite form the basis of high potential of muscovite and quarry stones particularly at Odoben, Kokoso, Otabilkwa, Attu Dauda and Fosuansa. Geologically, the soil associates encountered in the Asikuma-Odoben- Brakwa District are developed from this granite rocks and river deposits.
The District lies in the semi-equatorial climatic zone. Monthly temperature ranges from 340C in the hottest (march) to about 260C in August. Mean annual rainfall range from 120 centimeters in the south east to 200 centimetres in the North West. The District experiences double maxima rainfall with peaks in May-June and September – October. Relative humidity during the rainy season is high around 80 percent but falls between 50 percent and 60 percent during the dry hot season.
The forest and savannah type of soils found in the district are suitable for the cultivation of a variety of cash crops including cocoa, citrus, oil palm and staple food crops such as cassava, yam, cocoyam, maize, rice and vegetables. The district contributes significantly to the production of industrial crops such as cocoa, pawpaw and oil palm and also has a substantial share in the district production of maize, cassava, and oil palm. Available also in the district are exotic crops such as black and sweet pepper, rubber and mangoes, which are all gaining importance as export commodities. The vegetation which is basically semi-deciduous forest contains commercial trees such as Odum, Mahogany, Wawa and other hard wood.
Date Created : 11/29/2017 8:21:41 AM