Main Source of water for drinking and for other facilities

The kind of water a person drinks has greater impact on the health of that person. Table 8.10 shows that a total of 9,306 or 43.8 percent of the households use pipe borne water in and outside the dwelling units. Most of the households that use pipe borne water outside their dwelling units are in the urban areas (33.9%) and 18.1 percent area in the rural areas.

Apart from pipe borne water, most of the households especially those in rural areas use the bore hole; 40.8 percent in the rural areas. The other common source of drinking water is sachet water constituting 18.4 percent and 6.9 percent in the urban and rural areas respectively. A negligible percentage of 0.1 percent and 0.5 percent use dugout/pond /lake for drinking in both urban and rural areas of the Municipality.

Rural dwellers in the Municipality cease the use of tanker supply whilst minimal supply of 0.3 percent takes place in the urban areas. For other domestic use, 28 percent of the urban households use pipe borne inside dwelling units with 36.1 percent using pipe borne outside dwelling units. Nearly 42 percent of the rural households use of bore holes t for domestic purposes. Unprotected spring has no place in the urban sector but only 0.4 percent of the households in the rural areas use it. Apart from bore holes, the commonest form of water used for domestic purpose is river/stream in the rural areas of the municipality recording 16.3 percent of households with 1.0 percent in the urban centers.

 Toilet facility used by households

Table 8.11 shows that a total of 5,838 households (27.5%) in the Municipality use water closet and KVIP facilities in their homes. Households that use unhygienic facilities constitute 28.5 percent. About half of the total number of households in the urban areas (51.1 %) use the public toilet. Pit latrine is very common in the rural areas with 37.5 percent of total rural households using the facility. Bucket/pan as toilet facility is gradually fading away whilst only 0.7 percent of urban and 0.3 percent of rural households use that facility.

Bathing facility used by household

Another important indicator of health care in the 2010 population and housing census is the type of bathing facility used by households in the Municipality. The data as captured in Table 8.8 shows that 19.1 percent of total households in the Municipality use own bathroom exclusively for the household, 16.5 percent and 23.0 percent use that facility in the urban and rural areas respectively. Owing to the escalation of compound housing in the Municipality, the data depict that 42.9 percent of the total households use shared bathroom in the same house. This brings to the fore that 53.5 percent of households in the urban centers use that facility with 26.5 using the facility in the rural areas. Only negligible percentage of households in the Municipality use river/pond (0.2%).

Method of Waste Disposal

The 2010 population and housing census also gathered data on how waste is disposed of in the Municipality. Rubbish is disposed mainly by public dump (container). A total of 9,096 households comprising 42.8 percent in the Municipality use public dump (container) with the urban centers constituting 63.8 percent; 33.1 percent of the households use public dump (open space) with 21.6 percent in the urban areas and 50.9 percent in the rural areas. Very few households (2.6%) have their rubbish collected, 1.9 percent in the urban and 3.6 percent in the rural areas. Nearly four percent of the households dump indiscriminately in the Municipality with 1.8 percent in the urban areas.


Date Created : 11/27/2017 2:58:58 AM