There are three post offices and two postal agencies in the Municipality out of which two of them, at Nsawam and Aburi, provide telecommunications services.There are also privately owned commercial communications facilities at Nsawam, Aburi and Adoagyiri.

The Municipality is privileged to have its capital located on the main Accra-Kumasi highway.  The Municipality is accessible in terms of feeder roads.  There are also telephone services provided by Onetouch, Spacefon, Kasapa and Tigo respectively.

There are two Internet cafes operating in the Municipality while there are many private communication operators.

The major source of water supply in the urban areas of the Municipality is pipe-borne, which serves about 60% of urban dwellers in the Municipality. About 42% of the populations in the rural areas however rely on streams or rivers, especially River Densu, while 36% rely on wells and 22% on boreholes.

Some 45% of the population have access to electricity and this proportion is expected to rise to 60% when the Self Help Electrification Programme (SHEP), is completed.

The Municipality has five nursery schools, 47 kindergartens, 90 primary schools, 41 junior secondary school and five senior secondary schools.There are also one technical/vocation institution, one agricultural training college and one teacher training college.The pupil-teacher ratio is 1:64 for public schools and for private schools, it is 1:30.

Nsawam Adoagyire Municipal has a Municipality hospital, four maternity homes, two eye clinics, one orthopaedic centre and three private clinics. It also has one Level ‘A’ Primary Health Centre and four level ‘B’ Primary Health Centres.


Date Created : 11/27/2017 2:23:38 AM