Population Size and Growth Rates
The 2000 National Population and Housing Census put the district’s population at 119,093 people. This was about 3.3 % of the regional population. The growth rate of the district currently stands at 3.1% per annum. Currently, the population of the district has been projected to 139,736.
The above data indicates an increasing population for the district. This calls for effective policies on population control.
Spatial Distribution
As already stated in Chapter one, the 2000 Population and Housing census puts the total population of the district at 119,093. This population is found in the over seventy-five communities and hamlets in the district.
The most populous town in the district is Wiamoase with a population of about 11,000 (2000 Population and Housing census). The population distribution of the district is skewed positively towards the Eastern constituency of the district.
This is probably as a result of the availability of services and the easy access to marketing centres in that part of the district. Areas around the district capital are comparatively more densely populated than the Northern part of the district. This is also as a result of the increasing spate of physical development in the area. These towns include Jamasi, Asamang, Wiamoase, Tano Odumase and Kona.
The hinterlands have been reduced to scattered farming hamlets with poor road surface conditions linking communities. These areas are inhibited by migrant farmers who work on the farms of the local inhabitants. These areas coincide with the food basket of the district. The population distribution of the district indicates the need for pragmatic policies to ensure fair population distribution.
Population Density
The population density of the district has been increasing over the years. In the year 1960, the population density was 56.4 p/ km2 . It increased to 166.6 p/km2 in 2000 and currently stands at 179.1 p/ km2.
Even though the situation is not alarming, efforts should be made to keep it in check to avoid pressure on both natural resources and other physical infrastructure.
Household Size And Characteristics
Reports from the sample socio-economic survey conducted by the DPCU indicates that not much has changed over the years in the area of household and housing issues. The table below indicates the trend in household and housing issues of the district.
From the table above, household and housing issues have not changed over the years. Household size has increased from 3.8 to 6.5, a little over the national standard of 5.0. This can be attributed to the increase in population. Again, this is normal with Akan communities.
Again, even though house occupancy rate has increased by 0.5, room occupancy rate remains 3.2, which is 0.2 above the national average of 3.0. This situation shows the extent of housing problems in the district.
The above housing trends indicate the need for pragmatic housing policies to ease the housing problems in the district.
Religious Composition
The people of the district are mostly segmented into three religious groups namely:
• Christians
• Moslem
• Traditional Believers
The Christians are in the majority with the Adventist dominating. This is followed by Moslems. The only two sects in the district are the Allisunas and the Tigyanians. The Traditional believers are in the minority.
Age And Sex Distribution
The sex structure of the district’s population indicates 48.3% males and 51.7% females. This phenomenon is a true reflection of the national situation. This situation indicates the need for effective policies toward the improvement of females.
The age structure of the economy depicts that of a typical developing economy. The broad age structure indicates 36.4% for the 0-14 age cohort, 2.9% for the 65 + and 60.7% for 15-64 age cohort.
From the table above, the dependant population of the district i.e. the age cohort 0-14 and 65+ forms 51.32% of the total population.
Labour Force
This implies that, when there is full employment in the district, a total of 67,912 people will be engaged in one of the occupations in the district. this situation is a potential that can be tapped for development in the district.
Occupational Distribution
A survey by the DPCU revealed that, people in the district are engaged in three major sectors. These are
• Agriculture
• Industry
• Service / Commerce
It was revealed that the percentage employed in Agriculture has reduced from 64% in 2002 to 61% in 2006. The situation for industry and service/ commerce is 4% to 9% and 32% to 28% respectively.
Dependency Ratio
The dependency ratio of the district is 1:1.05. This by implication, indicates that, on the average, one economically active individual takes care of an adult and a child in the district. Even though the ratio does not show a heavy burden on the active population, efforts should be made towards the formulation of policies to reduce the burden on the active population.
Rural / Urban Split
In 2000, the rural to urban composition of the population was 30 to rural and 70 to urban. The situation in 2006 is 35.6 to rural and 64.4 to urban. This is an indication of more communities reaching urban status by attaining the threshold of 5000. This is as a result of settlement upgrading and its attendant influence on population.
Implications for Development
The analyses of the demographic characteristics of the district have the following developmental implications
- An increasing population of the district even though a good signal, calls for the need to plan effectively for the increase in population
- The religious composition is not too segmented hence can be tapped for the development of communities
- The increase in the employment situation of industry over the years indicates the understanding of the importance of industrial development to the over all development of the district.
Scalogram Analysis
The cut off point for the scalogram analyses was communities with a population of 1000 people and above. This incidentally coincided with the first twenty settlements in the district by the 2000 Population and Housing Census. Various key services like second cycle schools, availability of electricity and other basic facilities were considered in the scalogram analysis.
Functional Hierarchy of Settlements
The scalogram analysis revealed four levels of settlements in the district according to the level of services provided and their locations. The highest order settlement in the district is Agona, the district capital. Agona provides a total of twenty eight services as indicated by the scalogram analysis. The community is located in the eastern part of the district and serves almost all the communities in the east including the bigger towns like Wiamoase and Jamasi.
Wiamoase, the most populous community in the district is ranked second together with Asamang in the level of services provided by communities in the district. The scalogram analysis revealed that Wiamoase provides a total of twenty – three services.
The community is located in the extreme west of the Eastern Constituency and serves numerous farming hamlets and even bigger communities like Bepoase. Asamang on the other hand serves only Konya and Brehoma and other communities of the Sekyere East District. Asamang is comparatively closer to Agona than Wiamoase. In the area of health, both communities have the highest level of health facilities in the district.
Date Created : 11/24/2017 4:22:06 AM