Vulnerability Analysis
Total number of registered persons with various degrees of disabilities in the district stands at 263 with 144 males and 119 females. There are 15 people with epilepsy, 30 blind, 109 purl blind, 8 deaf and dump and 54 having difficulty in walking. Seven have dwindled legs and hands, while 40 are crippled with hunchbacks.
Credit has been provided for those in identifiable groups in Ekutuase, Daboase, Ateiku, Ayeim and Enyinabrim ACs. The remaining ACs would be served in the next phase of the project which is been sponsored by the DA.
The number of existing identifiable women groups in the district are 34. 13 of these groups have been supported severally in the district in the area of loans, oil palm and cassava processing machines. The beneficiary groups have also been given training on record keeping and management by National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI), the DA, Community Development and OICI.
Date Created : 11/21/2017 6:08:51 AM