Revenue and Expenditure Base The sources of revenue for the District Assembly could be classified into internal and external. The internal sources consist of basic rates, property rates, stool lands, fees, fines and licences. The external sources comprise grants in aid made up of DACF, donor assistance and funds from NGOs and others. Also included are salaries and wages paid on behalf of the assembly by the central government. The overview of all revenue for the period 2002 to 2005.
From the total amount of 3,430,630,362, realized in 2002, 79.24 percent came from external sources. The internal sources accounted for only 20.82 percent. This performance was repeated in years 2003 and 2004. There were marginal increases in the contributions of the various revenue heads under external sources between 2003 and 2005. As indicated in the table above, the DACF remains the major source of revenue.
Whereas it recorded only 37.7 percent in 2002, it had nearly doubled to 66.81 percent by 2005. Inflows from the HIPC fund and VIP, accounted for between 33.24 percent and 41.49 percent in 2002 and 2003 respectively. However, these inflows ceased recording only 27.56 percent and 4.59 percent between 2004 and 2005 respectively
The pattern of expenditure for the three year period was similar to the pattern of the revenue base. The expenditure on the various projects being undertaken in the district in 2002 accounted for 82.9 percent of total expenditure. The other expenditure heads accounted for 17.07 percent. This picture is similar for the periods 2003 to 2005.
Employment levels
employment levels and occupations in the district is very typical of a rural district. A total of 8.1 percent of the labour force is unemployed. Those e
Themployed are engaged in diverse activities and table 1.5 gives a summary of it.
Financial Institutions
Banking and Credit Facilities There are two rural banks in the district, namely the Lower Pra Rural Bank located in Daboase and Fiaseman Rural Bank in Ateiku. Credit Unions Association (CUA) can be found in Atieku, Mpohor, and Atobiase.
A number of organizations that give credit in the district include Opportunities Industriasation Centre International (OICI), Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MOW AC) and the Senior Ministers’ Office.
Date Created : 11/21/2017 5:48:28 AM