Forest/Wood Processing Industries:

Forest and wood processing include saw milling, carpentry and joinery and charcoal burning. The district is endowed with forest products which feed the six (6) saw mills located at Ahamansu,Titiaka, Dodo-Amanfrom,Dapaa, Kadjebi and Menuso. Currently,wood processing supports local housing and furniture industries in the district. The wood processed by the sawmills are exported to Accra and Kumasi.                                   .

Metal Industry and Auto Works:

There are auto works which offer employment to a number of the youth in the maintenance of fleet of transport vehicles in the district. There are also metal works such as steel bending and black-smithing in places like Kadjebi where there is electricity. Local farm implements like hoes, axes and cutlasses are fabricated in the District. The installation of a three-phase electricity in Kadjebi is expected to improve industrial production in the district.

Handy Craft/Art bused industries:

Carvings, basket making as well as kente weaving are undertaken in some localities in the district. Dressing making, tailoring and shoe making are undertaken in most towns and villages in the district.



Date Created : 11/21/2017 5:37:34 AM