The Government of Ghana has operated the decentralized system of development since 1988 with the Assemblies as the planning authority. The overall level of development and demographic structure of the country conceals differences between and within Regions, Districts, Municipalities, Urban and Rural localities. The Prestea Huni-Valley District is one of the administrative districts in the Western Region and is located at the south-western part of Ghana. It was carved out of the former Wassa West District in 2008 by Legislative Instrument (L.I.) 1840. The administrative capital of the District is Bogoso.
In all of these, population and its characteristics are of primary importance because development is by people, for people and of people. An understanding of the population, its characteristics and dynamics, is therefore crucial for realistic development planning.
The objective of this report is to make available to the general public, the District Assembly and its various organs, analysis of the results of the 2010 Population and Housing Census and their full implication for policy and planning in the District. Issues discussed in this chapter include the physical features, political administration, social and cultural structure of the Prestea Huni-Valley District, concepts and definitions, methodology and organization of the report.
Date Created : 11/20/2017 2:57:54 PM