Ho Municipal Health Profile
In general, the health status of the people in the Ho municipality is improving gradually. More infants and young children are surviving and adults are living longer. However there exists some cultural and religious resistance to the use of modern drugs to treat illnesses, resulting in fluctuating figures in the health indicators like maternal mortality rate, Infant mortality rate, Measles, Malaria, and Guinea worm cases .
Some of the Activities carried out include:
- Monthly visits to all the Communities: Community - Based Surveillance Volunteers in their respective communities help surveillance officers from the municipal health directorate.
- Worn -out filters were replaced in all the endemic villages by Disease control officer from the Municipal health directorate.
- Health Education activities were also carried out in endemic communities.
- Active Case search was organized by Disease control officers.
- Abate application was consistently done in the endemic communities.
Health Education
Health education talks were given in the various Sub-Municipalities on the following topics: Abortion, Malaria, Typhoid fever, worm infestation, HIV/AIDS STI, Tuberculosis, Birth control, Personal hygiene and Adolescent Reproductive Health. HIV Cases. Ho Municipal Hospital is one of the 35 sentinel sites chosen for HIV prevalence monitoring in the Country. However, the infection rate in the municipality is still high; hence the Municipal health directorate in collaboration with NGO’s provides care for people living with HIV/AIDS. A total of 437 clients were referred for voluntary counselling and testing HIV/AIDS at the Municipal Hospital. Out of this number, 71 males and 104 females tested positive. The affected were referred to Atua Government Hospital for further management.
The Ante Natal
Care clinic in the municipal hospital had screened a total of 85 mothers between May -December 2005, and 4 were found to be positive but only one of them was actually put on treatment (Nivapine tablet).
Health Related Population Management
Family planning services are rendered at all government facilities and private health facilities by Community Health Nurses during their outreach activities in the communities. In - service Training in family planning counselling has been organized for almost all the midwives in the municipality to improve their services and to increase coverage. The midwives render family planning services daily to women who visit them to deliver, and follow it up with Post - Natal Care.
Health Education is given on family planning and its Advantages at child welfare clinics and during home visits. Family life Education (sex education) is also given to schools and churches. The Doctor - Population ratio is 1: 37,913 and the Nurse - Population is 1:2,399
Health Facilities. The Ho municipality has a total of 45 health institutions out of which 33 are being managed by Ghana Health Services. The rest are for Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) and other Organizations and individuals.
The Ho Municipality has a total of 45 health facilities out of which 43 are under the Ghana Health Service and the rest are Mission and Private owned.
The following are some of the numerous constraints that exist in the municipality:
- Poor and dilapidated infrastructure
- Lack of portable water at the various health facilities
- Poor road network hence the frequent break down of vehicles
- Health facilities in rented premises (Ziavi & Hodzo Centres)
- Lack of accommodation for health staff
- Lack of toilet facilities
- Inadequate and obsolete equipment
- Infestation of termites in some health facilities
- Inadequate motorbikes and vaccine refrigerators
Date Created : 11/20/2017 6:09:06 AM