Currently, there are a total of 162 Pre-Schools, 185 Primary, 114 Junior Secondary Schools, 22 Senior Secondary Schools, 1 Training College and 1 Polytechnic in the Ho Municipality.
Percentage of Certified Teachers
There are 90.9% certificated teachers in the Primary Schools, meaning the vast majority of teachers at this level are qualified as Junior Secondary level has 83.5% of certificated teachers and Senior Secondary has 70.1% of professional teachers.
Drop Out Rate
The drop out rate is 2.8% in the Primary and 4.1% in the JSS the previous academic year 2004/2005. The reasons given for the dropouts mostly were poverty rating first and truancy second. In the Primary School, Poverty rated 57.04% while truancy 25.0%. In JSS poverty rated 53.7% and truancy 25.05% Performance in Basic Education Certificate Examination (B.E.CE).
The performance in the BECE was and is still not encouraging. The percentage of candidates passing was falling but there was a little rise again in 2004/2005 academic year, which was 61.79%. Percentage in 2002/2003 was 63.6% and 2003/2004 was 53.1%
Most schools have provisional urinals. Others do not have at all. Toilet situation is worse of than urinals. Though DANIDA assisted Community Water and Sanitation Agency in the past to provide toilet facilities to a few selected schools in the rural and semi urban areas, much has not been done, as almost all schools in Ho Township do not have toilet facilities. Just about 60 headteachers/headmasters in public schools have official accommodation in the Municipality. This is about 23.08%. Apart from the headteacher/headmaster accommodation provided by the Ministry of Education, most communities have no ready accommodation for the other teachers.
Date Created : 11/20/2017 6:07:15 AM