Industry refers to the type of product produced or services rendered at the respondent’s workplace. Information is collected only on the main product produced or service rendered in the establishment during the reference period. Table 4.4 shows the employed population aged 15 years and older by industry and sex. From Table 4.4, agriculture, forestry and fishing, constitutes the largest industry employing about seven out of ten persons (73.7%) of the workforce aged 15 years and above in the district.

Other major industries offering employment are activities of household employment, manufacturing and wholesale and retail, which constitute (7.0%), (6.2%) and (6.1%) respectively. The rest of the industries employ less than 5.0 percent. .

About eighty-two (81.9%) percent of the employed males are in to agriculture, including forestry and fishing. Females in agriculture constitute 64.4 percent. In the manufacturing sector higher a proportion of females (11.2%) than males (1.8%) are engaged.

The trend seems to be that activities that involve physical activity are dominated by men while those that require less physical activity are dominated by women. Thus, industries such as construction, public administration and security are dominated by male while service and related industries are dominated by female.

There are no extraterritorial organizations and bodies in the district. Similarly, there are no real estate activities in the district.

Employment Status

Table 4.5 presents population aged 15 years and older by employment status and sex. The table shows that the major employment sector is self-employed without employees, constituting 69.4 percent with 73.3 percent and 65.1 percent being respectively.

Contributing family workers is the second largest employment sector (24.6%) of the population aged 15 years and older with 29.1 percent and 20.6 percent being females and males respectively.

Figure 4.2 depicts population 15 years and older by employment status and sex. Relatively large proportions of males (3.7%) are employees compared to females (2.7%).

Employment Sector

Table 4.6 shows employed population aged 15 years and older by employment sector and sex. Employment sector refers to the sector in which a person works. Table 4.6 shows that the private informal sector is the largest employer in the district (96.9%). The proportion of employed female workers in the private informal sector is 97.3 percent while that of males is 96.6 percent. Thus, irrespective of sex, the private informal sector is the dominant employer of the workforce.

Among the workforce, 0.7 percent is employed in the private formal sector and the proportion is higher among females (0.9%) than the males (0.6%). The public sector, covering Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies, employs 2.1 percent of the total employed population. The proportions of males and females employed in the public sector are 2.5 percent and 1.6 percent respectively in the district. There is no engagement of the population in international organization. This could be because of the absence of international organizations in the district.

Figure 4.3 depicts the population aged 15 years and older by employment sector in the district. The majority of the population aged 15 years and older work in the self-employed without employees sectors (Private informal and formal sectors).

Date Created : 11/20/2017 5:27:08 AM