
Traditional administration in the district is under the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Council. Chiefs, Queen Mothers and Elders who are part of the traditional council are visible in traditional communities.

The district has one of the seven divisional chiefs under the Sefwi Wiawso Paramouncy, namely, the Chief of Boinzan (Krontihene). Other non-divisional chiefs include the chiefs of Mafia, Agyemandiem, Seyerano and Benchema. The support of the chiefs and their elders are pivotal for the success or failure of developmental efforts in the district.

Ethnic Groups

The Sefwis whose language is called sefwi are part of the Akan ethnic group. The Sefwis are indigenes and form the majority of the district’s population. The settlers or migrants play important economic role and are attracted to the district by the favorable climatic conditions for agriculture, particularly, cocoa farming.


The people of Juaboso Traditional Area celebrate the “Alluolue” festival. It is an agricultural festival held to mark the end of one agricultural season and to welcome the next season. Though the festival is significant in the life of the people, many communities in the district do not celebrate it. However, a few communities who want to keep the cultural flames of the Sefwis burning make all the necessary effort to celebrate it regularly.

Socially, the festival brings chiefs, elders, and the people together during which disputes are settled, and a reunion for those within and outside the community. The festival enables the chief and people to showcase the rich culture of the district which attracts tourists.


Although the district habours different shades of religions, Christianity accounts for 80.6 percent, Islam 11.1 percent, traditional religion 0.6 percent, those with no religion 5.9 percent and others are 0.8 percent. There is religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence among the various religious groups in the district.


The district constitutes one of the basins of Ghana’s rich tropical forests. It’s all year round green vegetation offers very pleasant scenery. The district is also endowed with a number of rocks which are of immense tourist value. One of these is the Big Rock (Nyoboe Piri), located in the Nkwanta forest. Here, rocks of different size overlap each other, making for very attractive scenery. Another intriguing rock is Alekabuma, otherwise known as the “box rock”. There is also a rock house known as Bodan.


The Krokosue Hills Forest Reserve harbours many plant speices, such as, Caltish Triplochisto, Scleroxylon, Patadenstrium Africanus. The north western part of the reserve harbours a lot of primates, common among them being the Mona monkey, Spotted nose monkey, Black and white colours, White Mangabey and Chimpanzee. There is an elephant sanctuary in the Krokosue forest reserve.

Date Created : 11/20/2017 5:15:23 AM