The Builsa District is a generally peaceful area created by the warmth and unity of the Builsa people. There is nonetheless a presence of Ghana Police Service headquartered in Sandema (fig below), with a total Police force of forty nine (49), made up of forty-three (43) policemen and six (6) policewomen. They are also supported by about thirty-two personnel from the Community Protection Unit of the National Youth Employment Program. The District Command has three (3) stations located at Chuchuliga, Sandema and Fumbisi.

There is also a District Magistrate Court which handles cases that are brought before it. The Fire Service is also present in the district to prevent and fight fires. They have a force of nineteen (19) fire officers, two of whom are females. They have one Fire Vessel which they use in fighting fires (Captured below). Bushfires are the commonest type of fires in the district, though a few domestic ones are reported.

The leadership of the security forces in the district together with others makes up the District Security Committee (DISEC), headed by the District Chief Executive. Together with other major stakeholders including the Traditional Authorities, the District Assembly and the generality of the Builsa people, peace, law and order have been sustained in the District, creating warmth and enabling environment for any productive activity.

Date Created : 11/20/2017 4:04:19 AM