Administrative And Institutional Arrangements

Structure Of The District  Assembly

The Builsa District Assembly is made up of 64 members, 42 of whom are elected. The Assembly also has 22-Member Executive Committee and 10.  Sub-Communities through which the Executive Committee operates.
The sub-committees are

1.    Development Planning Sub-Committee
2.    Works Sub-Committee
3.    Justice and Security Sub-Committee
4.    Finance and Administration Sub-Committee
5.    Social Services Sub-Committee
6.    Public Relations and Complains Sub-Committee
7.    Health and Environment Sub-Committee
8.    Economic Development Sub-Committee
9.    Education and Culture Sub-Committee
10.  Women and Child

The Town/Area Councils and Unit Committees are vital in local levels development.  Hence as provided under the 1992 Constitution, the Builsa District Assembly has created three (3) Town Councils and five (5) Areas Councils and has also put in place 91 Unit Committees in all the 8 Town/Area Council Zones. The District Chief Executive who also chairs the Executive Committee heads the Office of the District Assembly.  The Local Government Act (Act 462) reconstituted the former 22 decentralized departments into 11 under the District Assembly and whose activities are co-ordinated by the District Co-ordinating Director.

Political And Administrative Functions

According to the provisions of Act 462, the District Assembly in the highest political and administrative authority in the district. The Assembly is presided over by a Presiding Member who is elected from the Assembly members by at least a two-thirds majority.

As the highest Political and Administrative authority, the Assembly provides guidance, gives direction to and supervises all other administrative authorities in the district and in so doing exercises deliberative, legislative and executive functions.  The Executive Committee performs the administrative and Executive functions of the Assembly and sees to the day-to-day management of the District.

Planning Functions Of The Assembly

The District Assembly is also established under the same (Act 462) as the Planning Authority of the district.  In pursuance of this function, the Assembly is made responsible for the overall development of the district. In this respect the Assembly ensures the preparation of Development Plans of the District and submits them through the Regional Co-ordinating Council to the National Development Planning Commission for approval.  In addition it prepares budgets of the district related to the approved plans and submits them to the Minister of Finance for approval.

Besides, the Assembly, among other things

  • Formulates and executes programmes and strategies for the effective mobilization of the resources necessary for the overall development of the district.
  • Promotes and supports productive activity and social development in the district and remove any obstacle to initiative and development.
  • Initiates programme for the development of basic infrastructure and provide municipal works and services in the district.
  • Is responsible for the development, improvement and management of human settlements and the environment in the district.
  • Takes necessary steps to execute approved development plans for the district.
  • Guides, encourages and supports sub-district local government bodies, public agencies and local communities to perform their roles in the execution of approved development plans.
  • Initiates and encourages joint participation with other persons or bodies to execute approved development plans.
  • Monitors the execution of projects under approved development plans and assess and evaluate their impact on the people’s development, the local , district and national economy.

Administrative & Governance

The Builsa District Assembly is the highest administrative and political authority in the district with the mandate to initiate development and co-ordinate all development efforts aimed at sustainable development at the local level. Its mandate, operations and powers are generally derived from the Local Government Act (Act 462).

The District Chief Executive who also chairs the Executive Committee heads the Office of the District Assembly. 

The Local Government Act (Act 462) reconstituted the former 22 decentralized departments into 11 under the District Assembly and whose activities are co-ordinated by the District Co-ordinating Director. These Departments are manned by Technocrats and they provide specialized and technical services to the Assembly. They are also expected to submit Annual reports to the District Chief Executive. Over the years, the main challenges running through all these departments have been Inadequate Funds for Operations and Inadequate equipment. The Assembly is empowered to make and enforce by-laws. It exercises deliberative, legislative and executive functions in the District. The Presiding Member who is elected among the Assembly members chairs Assembly meetings.

The 11 Decentralised Departments

  • Central Administration
  • Finance Department
  • Education, Youth and Sports
  • District Health Department
  • Agriculture Department
  • Physical Planning Department
  • Social Welfare and Community Development
  • Forestry Division
  • Works Department
  • Industry and Trade Department
  • Disaster Prevention Department

The District Management Team

The District Management Team is composed of the DCE (Chairman); The DCD and his deputies; Heads of units within the central administration; the Head of the Rural Enterprise Project and the Internal Auditor. They hold monthly meetings for deliberations on the district.  The Legislative Instrument (LI 1589) makes provision for the establishment of Urban/Town/Area councils. Since no community in the District meets urban status, Builsa District does not have any urban council. There are however three (3) Town councils (Sandema, Wiaga and Fumbisi) and five (5) Area councils. Their main functions include revenue mobilization, implementation of Problems facing the Unit Committees

  1. Irregular meetings
  2. Lack of logistics
  3. Politicization of developmental issues
  4. Low motivation
  5. Decisions taken at meetings are not fully implemented

Policies at the local level and community mobilization for popular participation in decision making. There are also ninety-one (91) Unit committees in the District. Their functions are similar to those of the Town/Area Councils. They are responsible for mobilizing the community members for popular decision-making; identification of developmental needs; organization of community members for communal labour. The decisions of the Unit Committee reached the Assembly through the Assembly members in their respective areas. The major problems facing these establishments have always been:

The District Planning And Coordinating Unit (DPCU)

The DPCU is the ‘heart’ of the District Assembly. The unit coordinates all the arms of the district. It is headed by the District Coordinating Director. Other members of the committee are the District Planning Officer, District Budget Officer, District Finance Officer and the heads of the following departments.

Constituencies within the District

Two constituencies make up the Builsa District. These are the Builsa North Constituency and the Builsa South constituency. Builsa North Constituency consists of communities within the northern part of the district some of which are Chuchuliga, Sandema, Siniensi, Wiaga etc. The Constituency capital is Sandema. The current Member of Parliament for the Builsa North Constituency is Hon. Timothy Attaboadey (Shown below).

The Builsa South Constituency is the second constituency in the Builsa District. It is made up of towns in the Southern part of the district. Some of the towns in this constituency are Fumbisi, Wiesi, Gbedembilisi, etc. The constituency capital is Fumbisi. The Honorable Alhassan Azong (Shown below) is the current Member of Parliament for the Builsa South Constituency. He is also currently a Minister for Public Sector reforms at the Presidency

Date Created : 11/20/2017 12:29:34 AM