Traditional Authorities
The Suaman District is made of one Traditional area and ruled by a Paramount Chief under the stool name ‘Odeneho’. The Paramount Chief is assisted by nine (9) Divisional Chiefs and twenty-seven (27) Sub-Chiefs who govern under him. The Paramount Chief chairs the meetings of the traditional council with the divisional Chiefs as the Cabinet of the council. Each of the Divisional Chiefs has a specific duty assigned to him by the paramount chief.
The largest Ethnic group of the District is Aowin. The main language spoken in the District is therefore the Aowin language. It is interesting to note that the Aowin language is spoken only in the Suaman area in the Western Region. However, there are a number of Ethnic groups in the District. They include the Akuapims and Krobos from the Eastern Region, the Bissa (Busanga), Kusasi, Dagati (Dagabas), Dagomba, Mamprusi, Bimoba (Gruma) from the three Northern Regions.
There are also Ewes and Brongs/Ahafos from the Volta and BrongAhafo regions respectively. Asantes, Fantes, Sefwis, Nzemas, Ga Dangbes are also found in the District as well as many West African nationals like Zabramaand Fulani from Niger and Mali respectively. Among all the Ethnic groups the Aowins constitute about thirty percent (30%) followed by the Sefwis (10%).
The abundance of cocoa and the very friendly land tenure system has brought in many settler and tenant farmers from all over the country in to the District. They therefore constitute the majority if put together.
Religion and festival
The Dominant Religion in the Suaman District is Christianity (77.1%), followed by Islam (14.7%) with the Traditional religion and others being in the minority. ‘Eluolie’ (Yam Eating) is the major festival celebrated in the District between February and March. It is characterized by drumming, dancing and feasting. During the festival, Sons and Daughters of the District in the diaspora come home to join in the celebration and to promote Development of the area.
This is an area where very little attention has been paid to by the district. There exists a lot of interesting attractions like the water bodies, the hanging rock at Aduyaakrom near Dadieso, the virgin forest reserves and sacred groves and the vast cocoa plantations. These can serve as nature- based Tourists attractions but are not developed for any economic gain.
The rich cultural heritage of the people can also help promote tourism if well packaged and developed.
Date Created : 11/18/2017 11:33:14 AM