Vision, Mission, Core Values and Functions
Vision of Suaman District Assembly
An efficient and reputable district with continuous improved living standards for its people.
Mission of Suaman District Assembly
The District Assembly exist to improve upon the quality of life of its people through efficient and effective planning in partnership with other stakeholders for sustainable utilisation of resources.
Function of Suaman District Assembly
The function of the district has been stated as prescribed by law and shall define the boundary of actions of the Suaman District Assembly. The core functions shall include:
The Suaman District Assembly shall be responsible for the;
a. Overall development of the district and shall ensure preparation and submission of development plans through
the Western Regional Co-ordination Council (WRCC);
b. Formulation and execution of plans for effective mobilisation of resources necessary for development
c. Development of basic infrastructure and services in the district
d. Initiation and encouragement of participation with other persons or bodies in the execution of development plans
e. Ensure ready access to courts in the district for the promotion justice
f. Promotion and support productive and social development in the District by removing obstacles and bottlenecks
thatimpedes development.
Core values of Suaman District Assembly
The following upon the adoption and approval of the medium term plan shall constitute the core values of the district assembly. The four core values were developed after a critical analysis of the vision, mission and functions of the district assembly. The following are the core values:
a. Improved quality of life
b. Efficient and effective participatory planning
c. Sustainable utilisation of resources
d. Transparency in service delivery
Date Created : 11/18/2017 11:29:36 AM