The Health Services situation like other much health systems is one of inadequacy. The district currently has four sub-districts with four health facilities (2 health centres at Karaga and Pishigu, 1 CHPs compound at NyongNoyili is functioning.
The staffing situation in the health sector is woefully inadequate. There are only six (6) community health nurses, two (2) Medical Assistants, four (4) Mid-wives and one (1) Public Health Nurse. The situation is not different for the auxiliary and Para medical staff. Infact there is no Para medical staff in the district.
The District Health delivery system is supported by 197 CBS Volunteers, 354 guinea worm volunteers, 80 TBAs, 1 guinea worm district Co-coordinator, 2 area Co-ordinators and 12 Zonal Co-coordinators.
Health Status of the People
The health status of the people is among the worse in the region. Utilization or patronage of available health facilities and health services is generally very low especially supervised delivery by skilled attendants. The people generally exhibit a poor health seeking behaviour and many people patronize the services of quack Doctors, herbalists and will only report very late to the health facilities as a last resort. Family Planning acceptance rate is also low (0.59). This could be attributed to socio-cultural and religious beliefs.
From health quality data among children registered for children aged 0-11 months, 29 (1%) are malnourished; 12-23 months, 27 are malnourished and with 24-59 months, 4 are malnourished.
Guinea Worm situation
The district has 38 guinea worm endemic communities. With 35 reported cases the district now ranks 11th among the eighteen districts of the northern region.
Date Created : 11/18/2017 5:36:41 AM