• Item
NCCE engages youth groups at Karaga on peaceful coexistence
Karaga NCCE engages political actors, stakeholders on peaceful coexistence
Veep breaks ground for construction of first-ever STEM College of Education
Karaga NCCE holds Inter-Party Dialogue Committee meeting
DCE calls on investors to support farmers in Karaga District
Karaga MP to launch operation 100 boreholes to expand access to clean water
World Vision’s interventions have transformed our lives – Gushegu and Karaga residents


Population and Settlement

The current population of the district is estimated at 75,575 from a PHC 2000 figure of 62,719 at a growth rate of 2.7%. At the current growth rate the population will double in 20 years. The sex composition of the district shows that females constitute 51.7% of the population while males form 48.3%.

There are 205 communities in the district. The largest household size in the Northern Region (PHC 2000) is in Karaga (11.1). Considering that household sizes are larger in rural than in urban areas, the average household size for the district will be 8 persons.  Over 70%o of the settlement in the district has population of less than 800. Karaga the district capital is the only settlement with a population of over 10,000.00.

The population of Karaga constitutes about 20.4% of the district population. Only eleven communities have populations of more than 1000 people. All these settlements are found to the Western Section of the district along the Karaga-Sung Pigu and Sung-Tanchigu roads. These are the more accessible areas of the district.
Ten largest settlements in the district

Locality                Population         Housing

Karaga                12,800        M    5,800    F         857    1,154    11.1
Pishigu                3,414               1,629     1.785  333    396       8.6
Bagurugu             1,664               839        825     147    166       10.0
Tamaligu              1,583              823        760     123    138       11.5
NyongNayili          1,515              716        799     145    169        9.0
Tong                    1,331              649        682     88      86         15.5
Nyong                   1,316             673        643     127    166        7.9
Langogu               1,012             492        520      67     94          10.8
Kpataribogu          975                467        508      95     101         9.7


Date Created : 11/18/2017 5:23:53 AM