Economic Activity
Promotion Of Local Economic Development
The Municipal Assembly benefited from ILO Ghana Decent Work Pilot Programme from 2002-2005.The Assembly through its sub-committee on Productive and Gainful Employment continue to pursue the programme objectives to contribute to the reduction of poverty in the Municipality by addressing Decent Work deficits in Micro and Small Enterprises in the informal economy and by enhancing the employability of low-income women, men and the youth in particular.
A large and rapidly growing number of poor are engaged in survivalist informal activities in the Municipality. Self employed women are one of the most affected segments of the population for many people in the Municipality the informal economy has turned into a poverty trap; very low productivity results in very low and instable incomes. Table 5.1 shows the distribution of population 15 years and older by sex, age and activity status in the Municipality.
The proportion of persons who are engage in employment constitute Forty-Nine Percent (49.1%). The proportion of the population who are unemployed constitutes Fifty-Two percent (52.4%). The proportion of persons who self employed without employees is Fifty-Six percent (56.5%) with Forty percent of whom are males and Sixty-eight percent (68.6) females. Those who are self employed with employees constitutes Five percent (5.4%) with Seven percent males and four percent (4%) females.
Policy Implications/Issues
1. The informal sector employs a large proportion (56%) of the population in the Municipality
2. Sixty-Nine percent (68.6%) of the self employed are females; thus
women dominate the informal sector.
3. Unemployment among the economically active population is Fifty-Two percent (52.4%) in the Municipality
4. There is large economically active segment of the population
5. The informal sector is dominated by small business enterprises
Policy Interventions
1. Promote skill/apprenticeship progarmme
2. Promote small business enterprises ( Capacity building)
3.Facilitate the implementation of Ghana Youth EmploymentDevelopment Agenda (rollout skill development modules)
4. Construction of business enclaves (e.g abattoir, lorry parks, industrial park etc)
5. Provide one-stop-shop business advisory center
6. Facilitate credit acquisition
7. Organize Small Business Enterprises into Small Business Association
8. Construction of Rural Technology Facility (RTF)
Investment and Business Potential
TheEffutu is endowed with immense investment potential which is yet to be fully tapped. Recognising the fact that investment is the key to development of any growing economy, the District Assembly is committed to turning the district into a prime investment destination.
The assembly has vast stretches of arable land suitable for commercial farming in non-traditional export crops like pineapple, cashew, cassava, vegetables and maize. There is also the potential for livestock production and poultry. Fishing and fish processing, rank among the major occupations in the district. Senya Bereku and Winneba in the district are among the key fishing towns in the country. There is enormous potential for fish processing cold storage and preservation and export of exotic species like lobsters and shrimps.
The district has the potential for the development of a salt industry, especially in the Muni Lagoon basin. The district is endowed with large deposits of clay, offering opportunities for quarrying, brick and tile and ceramics industries. With Accra becoming congested as a result of industrial and commercial activities, strategically placed towns like Kasoa, Awutu and Winneba, which lie on the proposed dual carriageway from Yamoransa, through Winneba in the Central Region to Accra, have the potential to guarantee ideal satellite industrial and residential development bases to Accra.
There is already a 260-acre industrial zone known as Iron City being developed as a light industrial area in Kasoa. The proximity of these towns to Accra provides a favourable investment environment in terms of swift communication, as well as easy access to government business and offices. This also offers opportunity for real estate development in the district to support provision of more residential and industrial units and also private hotel facilities to ease student accommodation pressure on the tertiary educational institutions in Winneba.
Investment Incentives
The assembly offers attractive investment packages for prospective investors. The district will give assistance to investors to safely acquire land and ensure proper tenancy agreement. The district will facilitate the provision of utility services and other required infrastructure in industrial sites quickly and efficiently. The district will offer selective local tax reductions for a maximum period of five years. There is the opportunity for joint ventureship with the District Assembly or assistance in matching with partners of choice.
There is an Investment Promotion and Advisory Office within the District Assembly to assist and guide investors in the district. The district has almost all decentralised departments to the benefit of investors in the area of business consultations. Other Investment Opportunities That Exist In Awutu-Effutu-Senya District. There are vast opportunities in the following sectors – industry, Commerce, Estate Development, Large-scale Farming, Fish Processing and storage, Tourism Development and Promotion which a prospective investor could avail himself of:
Tourism development and promotion offers a great opportunity for prospective investors in the District. Hospitality facilities in the District are woefully inadequate considering it strategic position and the establishment of the leading teacher training university which attracts a lot of conferences, seminars and workshops.
The pristine beach scenery attracts a lot of holiday makers who could spend a day or two if there are lots of budget hotels in the area. Another area which attention should be focused on is the processing and storage of fish. Most of the fish-catch in the district has to be sent to Accra for storage due to lack of facilities and this adds to the cost of operation of the fishermen.
The development of the Kasoa Market to an international standard is of prime importance to the District Assembly. The Kasoa Market has been designated as an ECOWAS Commercial Centre which requires a number of facilities to befit its statue. A complex structure which could house Financial Service providers, Communication, Storage, Accommodation for people on transit, etc, is needed. Hostel facilities for the growing number of students gaining admission to the university is an area of concern to the Assembly and if Estate developer could turn their attention to the area, the university authorities would give the necessary support.
The establishment of a fruit processing facility in the District would be a welcome idea due to the large-scale production of pineapple, pawpaw and citrus in the area. This will help to a great extent to reduce post-harvest losses, add value to farm produce and create job opportunities for the people.
Date Created : 11/16/2017 6:44:58 AM