Generally, the soils in the District are very fertile and their types range from loose sand to clay. The table below depicts the various soil types and the crops suitable for cultivation on them



Sandy - Clay - Loam.

Cocoa, coffee, citrus, oil palm, rubber and food crops.

Moderately well drained clayey loam

Cocoa, coffee, citrus, oil palm, rubber and food crops.

Loamy sand

Maize, vegetables, legumes, and food crops

Silty clay.

Maize, vegetables, legumes, and food crops and sugar cane.

Loose sand

Vegetables and sugar cane.


Vegetables sugar cane and rice.

Surface Accessibility

Road transport is the main form of surface accessibility in the District. There are two (2) main types of roads in the District. Trunk roads which comprise 30% while feeder roads take the remaining 70%. Apart from the trunk roads, which pass through the District in the East - West direction and form part of the Trans -African - Highway and the Agona Nkwanta - Dixcove - Busia roads, and Aboadi -Fasin, Apowa - Adjua which are in good conditions throughout the year, all other roads in the District are in deplorable conditions during the rainy season. Of all the feeder roads, the most used in terms of traffic flow is the Sankor - Yaakow road. Cape Three Points road, a distance of 27.2 kilometers and Apowa - New Amanful road a distance of 4.8 kilometers.


Date Created : 11/16/2017 5:59:43 AM