Tourism Attractions
Ahanta West District can boast of arguably, more tourist attractions, which are of historic, scientific and aesthetic value than any other district in the Western Region. Out of the seven forts and castles in the Region, four are located in the Ahanta West District. Fort Groof Fredburg is the only German fort in Ghana and is located at Princess Town. Fort Batenteim is partly in ruins and will require restoration.
It was built by the Dutch. Fort Metal Cross is in Dixcove, while the fourth, which is located at Akwidaa, has now been turned into a sacred grove and a shrine. The district can boast of some beautiful beaches at Egyambra, Miamia, Princess Town, Akwidaa, Busua, Butre and Adjoa, which are perfect for swimming and sunbathing.
Again, the waters at Miamia, Butre and Akwidaa are always calm and the sea is deep enough at these places for sports diving and other water sports. The rivers, Butre and Nyane at Akwidaa, with a gallery a mangrove forest along their banks, can offer about two hours of boating expeditions upstream where a rich bird life can be viewed. Where the beach is rocky, the rocks provide a fascinating variety of types, shapes, sizes and colours.
Butre, Miamia and Cape Three Points are noted for their shellfish. Cape Three Points is especially renowned as a route for whales, dolphins and sharks in their annual migration and this makes for fascinating watching. The Cape Three Points Forest Reserve is the only primary forest in Ghana that is very close to the sea. It occupies a total area of 51,102 square kilometres.
The forest reserve has a wide variety of tree species, butterflies, monkeys and birds.Importantly, the different plants have medicinal value. Butterfly watchers have plenty to see as the forest reserve too. As part of eco-Tourism development and tourism, the forest reserve can further be developed by providing nature trails and interpretative materials on the fauna and flora.
About 10 kilometres west of Princess Town is the Egyambra crocodile pond and shrine. The priest in attendance usually performs some rituals, then uses some incantations to call the crocodile. When the crocodile comes out of the pond, the priest talks to it, gives it some coca cola and a fowl before it goes back into the pond. Busua is the seat of the Ahanta and the core point of tourism in Ahanta West District.
It has the leading beach resort in Ghana. The Ahanta have a unique festival, the Kundum Festival. Kundum is celebrated between August and September each year, at the beginning of the harvest season. It is celebrated for one month. Kundum is characterized by drumming and dancing. Ahanta West District offers a combination of hospitality, great investment opportunities and outstanding tourist attractions, which is why investors and tourists alike need to take a much closer look at the district.
Tourism Development
Tourism Development in the District has not been given the needed impetus even though the District has very great potential for tourism. Expert projections show that, tourism will become the number revenue earner by the turn of the century so the sector must be accorded the needed attention. The District has great potential for cultural, historical and good beaches.
The District has some of the finest beaches in the country and these are:
• Monica Beach at Pumpunie where a major oil refinery will soon be constructed.
• Adjua Beach
• Victoria Beach at New Amanful
• Busua Beach
• Miemia Beach
• Princess Town Beach
• Cape Three Point.
Busua Beach Resort
It is one of the three hotels that form the Golden Beach Hotels in Ghana. It is comparable to any modern hotel anywhere in the world with conference facilities, recreation and very hospitable staff.
Date Created : 11/16/2017 5:57:16 AM