Administrative Divisions and Management: To ensure effective administrative and supervisory delivery, the district is divided into five (5) circuits. They are Sampa North Circuit, Suma Circuit, Seketia Circuit, Goka Circuit, and Sampa South Circuit. It is for the same purpose that the underlisted management structures have been put in place to assist teaching, learning and sensitization of communities on educational related issues.
1. Education sub-committee
2. School Management Committees
Total enrolments for public schools by circuits are indicated below:
The Second Cycle Institutions are Nafana Presby Secondary, Maranatha Business College and O.L.F. Vocational Institute all located at Sampa. Others are Goka Secondary/Technical School and Sumaman Secondary School located at Goka and Suma-Ahenkro respectively.
Enrolment of pupils at the pre and primary levels are quite high but progression from the JSS and SSS is very poor. For instance, of the 4404 JSS graduates, only 1194 (27.1%) progressed to SSS/Voc/Tech. This brings into focus the need to step-up educational programmes to encourage progression onto the higher level of the educational ladder in the District.
The educational institutions are poorly staffed with a high number of untrained teachers. Out of the 620 teachers in public schools, only 292 (47.1%) are trained leaving 328 (52.9%) untrained. The current level of teaching staff in the district is presented in the table below:
Pupil/Teacher Ratio
The district’s pupil/teacher ratio is 30:1
Pupil/Trained Teacher Ratio: The district’s pupil/trained teacher ratio is 79:1
Development Priorities
In line with the GPRS II, the District’s priorities for achieving growth and poverty reduction within the plan period shall focus on Human Resource Development, promotion of Private Sector Development and promotion of Good Governance and Civic Responsibilities. Specifically, the Assembly will focus on the below projects, programmes, activities and interventions to achieve the goals and objectives of the plan.
The major economic potential product of the District is cash crop production. The major crops cultivated in the district are yam, maize, pepper, groundnut, tomatoes and garden eggs while the district is reputed to be the largest producer of cashew nut in the country. The district indisputably leads in cashew production but unfortunately the produce are carted and exported annually in their raw state by both local and foreign merchants to the little benefit of the district and the nation as a whole. Presently, the cashew nuts are processed into nuts under subsistence levels but large scale processing is required to encourage farmers to produce more and reap from their labour.
Date Created : 11/16/2017 3:43:50 AM