Table 3.9 shows population three years and older by level of current school attendance and educational attendance. A total of 31,951 children are attending school. Of this total, 15,515 representing the highest proportion (48.6 percent) are in primary school. The proportion in Kindergarten and Junior High School are 1.9 percent and 17.5 percent respectively. Only 1.0 percent of the population are in tertiary schools. With the exception of SSS/SHS, there is not much variation between males and females at the various schooling levels.
A total of 27,787 have attended school in the past. Of this total, 10,127 representing 36.4 percent have attended JHS constituting the highest proportion of this group. There exist variations among males and females who have attended school in the past at the various levels. Apart from the primary and JSS/JHS lower levels where females are more than males, males are more than females at all levels of higher school attainment from the middle to the tertiary level. For example 2.1 percent of males and 1.9 percent of females attained vocational/technical/commercial education while as many as 4.2 percent of males and 1.3 percent of females had attained tertiary education.
Date Created : 11/16/2017 3:06:59 AM