Summary Of Key Community Needs And Aspirations
The needs and aspirations of the people of Assin Foso Municipal are summarized below:
Private Sector Development
1 Provision of market structures
2. Job opportunities
3. Provision of credit facilities
4. Improvement in rural housing
5. Road improvement for easy accessibility to the urban centres
6 .Extension of telecommunication facilities
7. Extension of electricity to communities
Human Resource Development
1. Potable water supply
2. Health facilities/personnel
3. Provision of drains
4. Toilet facilities
5. Educational facilities and infrastructure
6. Job for physically challenged
7. Credit for rural women
8. Training programmes for the physically challenged
Good Governance
1. Provision and rehabilitation of office accommodation for Town and Area Councils
2. Preparation of a Disaster Management Plan
3. Ensuring sustainable environmental management.
4. Ensure adequate security
Summary of Key Demands of the Private Sector/NGOs/CBOs
A summary of the key demands of the Private Sector, NGOs and CBOs
are presented below.
1. Provision of micro Credit Scheme
2. Rehabilitation of roads
3. Extension of telecommunication facilities
Human Resources Development
1. Provision of potable water
2. Provision of health services and equipment
3. Provision and rehabilitation of school infrastructure.
4. Provision of training centres for the vulnerable and the excluded
5. Establishment of a credit scheme for the physically challenged.
Good Governance
1. Ensuring sustainable environmental management
2. Strengthening of security systems.
Date Created : 11/15/2017 1:52:42 AM