Implementation Arrangement
This part of the development plan for the Assin Foso Municipal Assembly deals with project identification and implementation which will assist in realizing the objectives of the 4-year Medium Term Development Programme and hence, improvement in the quality of life of the people. Development programmes and projects are carefully phased out year by year within the three-year period and these are reflected in the Annual Plan which specifies what action to be taken in the first year of the plan period, by whom, at what specific time and at what cost.
In line with the presentation made on the logical framework, medium term proposals are outlined for the period 2006 - 2009 and annual projects for the period 2006 - 2009. The projects identified under the Medium Term and Short Term is packaged under the following programmes:
Private Sector Development;
Human Resource Development
Good Governance
Administrative and institutional arrangements require for the effective implementation of the projects are also outlined. Finally, a format for reporting and monitoring and evaluation is presented to facilitate the review of plan implementation.
The criteria adopted in selecting projects into the 4-year Medium Term Plan include the following:
Projects that have the potential to reduce poverty;
Projects with low initial financial investments;
Projects with quick and high returns to resource inputs;
Projects that immediately increase agricultural production;
Projects that enhance community participation;
Projects which tend to support the provision of efficient basic infrastructure;
Projects that help to improve both the built and natural environment.
The projects were selected with the active participation of the Assembly and community through technical community interface and public hearing sessions.
Annual Action Plan 2006
The Annual Action Plan outlined in this section, indicates in detail action to be taken by both public and private sectors, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the community in the implementation of the projects earmarked for the first year, 2006 - 2009, of the four (4) Year Medium Term Development Plan for 2006- 2009. The Annual Plan needs to be implemented on the basis of the Annual Budget of the Assembly. The plan indicates when each project should begin and end in each year, the responsible implementing agencies, the nature of community contribution and the individual project costs.
The parameters used in the selection of annual projects include;
On-going projects;
Projects with short gestation periods;
Projects whose costs could be accommodated within the first year development budget;
Projects which satisfy the immediate needs of the people;
Projects which require immediate awareness creation through public education programmes, and
Projects that are geared toward reducing poverty among the people.
Annual Action Plan 2007
The Annual Action Plan for the 2002 has been developed and In phasing the annual projects, the following criteria were followed. The need to complete all on-going projects. Projects with high potential for quick revenue generation and high potential for employment generation.
Date Created : 11/14/2017 8:16:47 AM