MCE leads Military officials to inspect progress of works on forward Operational Based in Jirapa

As part of Government efforts to keep the borders safe and protect its citizens from terrorism attack, construction of a number of military forward Operation Bases along identified communities in the northern part of the country is progressing steadily.

Date Created : 4/3/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : O.Yeboah

Jirapa Municipality is a beneficiary of one of the Forward Operational Base projects, sited along Jirapa Duori road in a community called Doggo.

The Municipal Chief Executive of Jirapa, Lawyer Nicholas Soyiri, late February, 2023, led a powerful delegation from the Military Command namely; Vice Admiral Seth Amoama Chief of the Defence Staff, Brigadier-General Emmanuel Okyere National Security Advisor to the President and other Commanding Officers were in the Municipality to monitor progress of construction works.

The CDS used the opportunity to thank Hon. Lawyer Nicholas Soyiri for his efforts in leading the process to secure a perfectly located site for the project.

Hon. Nicholas Soyiri equally appreciated the government decision to consider Jirapa for the project and the constant supervision from the Military top Command to ensure the success of the project.

He noted, the completion of the project will improve the security situation in the Municipality and enhance investment and development.