Farmers in the New Juabeng North Municipality receive palm seedlings

New Juaben North Municipal Assembly distributed (6000) six thousand palm tree seedlings to fifty –one (51) selected Farmers in the Municipality on Friday 15th September, 2023 at Effiduase.

Date Created : 9/26/2023 : Story Author : Elizabeth Ansaah/

The project which is under the Government initiative “Planting for Export and Rural Development Programme (PERD) in 2019”, is aimed at assisting Farmers within the Municipality in their livelihood.

The Municipal Chief Executive, Madam. Comfort Asante in her speech emphasized that the initiative which was started four years ago is aimed at supporting many people to enter into entrepreneurship to help deal with unemployment issues in the Municipality.

She said the Assembly has repaired the palm oil processor machine and very soon it will be commissioned for its use at Asikesu.

The Municipal Agric Officer, Mr. Asare-Nsiah Obed explained that the distribution was done following the continuous request of palm seedlings from farmers.

He therefore called on the general public to take advantage of the Government initiative and get registered to have access to the numerous benefits of the program to improve their living standard.

The Farmers who benefited expressed their gratitude to the MCE and the Government for the initiative and pledged to take good care of the plants.