Political and Administrative Structure
Political structure At the time of the 2010 Census, the Region had the following administrative Districts and their capitals: Builsa (Sandema), Kassena-Nankana West (Paga), KasenaNankanaEest (Navrongo), Bolgatanga Municipal (Bolgatanga), TalensiNabdam (Tongo), Bongo (Bongo), Bawku West (Zebila), GaruTempane (Garu) and Bawku Municipal (Bawku). Since, and as a result of the 2010 Census, the following four new Districts have been created: Nabdam (carved out of Talensi-Nabdam) with its capital at Nangodi, Builsa South (carved out of Builsa) with its capital at Fumbisi, Binduri (carved out of Bawku East) with its capital at Binduri and Pusiga (carved out of Bawku East) with its capital at Pusiga.
Administrative Structure
The Region is administered politically from Bolgatanga. The main administrative structure at the Regional level is the Regional Co-ordinating Council (RCC), headed by the Regional Minister. Other members of the RCC include representatives from each District Assembly, Regional Heads of Decentralized Ministries, and representatives of the Regional House of Chiefs. Each District is administered by a Municipal/District Assembly headed by a Chief Executive nominated by the President and approved by a two-thirds majority of the Assembly Members present and voting. Two-thirds of the members of the Assembly are directly elected. The other one-third is appointed by the Central Government. Members of Parliament are exofficio members of the Assemblies of the Districts in which their constituencies are located.
The Districts are autonomous with regard to the planning, budgeting and implementation of projects. The Districts are further subdivided into Area/Town Councils/Unit Committees. With their own designated roles, there is also effective traditional leadership and vibrant Youth Development Associations to facilitate efficient and effective mobilization of local resources. Within the Region, there are fifteen (15) political parliamentary constituencies including two new constituencies (Bolgatanga East and Tempane); the rest are Builsa South, Navrongo Central, Chiana-Paga, Bongo, Bolgatanga, Builsa North, Talensi, Nabdan, Zebilla, Binduri, Bawku Central, Pusiga and Garu-Tempane.
Date Created : 11/30/2017 5:13:28 AM