Market Centre
The Nungua market in the municipality is a major marketing Centre where commodities are traded. The Nungua market was upgraded into one of the modern markets in the region with good transport terminals.
Road Network
The Municipality consists of two main road corridors. The main Nungua-Teshie road and the Spintex road. Other minor roads within the Municipalities also link Nungua to Teshie to La. Both link the Municipality to the Ledzekuku Municipal Assembly on the West and Tema West Municipal on the East. The roads are currently classified as having fair surface conditions and are also not wide enough to accommodate the large volumes of vehicular traffics. It is estimated that the total Road Network within the Municipality stands at 349.48 kilometres consisting of 82.1 kilometres Paved and 267.38 Kilometres Unpaved.
The energy situation in the municipality is similar to the other MMDAs in Greater Accra especially sister Assemblies like Ledzokuku and Tema West Municipal Assemblies. According to the 2010 Population and Housing Census the main source of energy in households is electricity which account for ninety-two percentage (92.9%). Other minor sources of lighting include kerosene lamp (2.6%) and flashlight (2.2%). The proportion of dwelling units using generators as the main source of lighting is under one percent.(0.5%). The entire municipality is covered with the national grid.
Date Created : 4/17/2023 12:00:00 AM