Role of Non-Governmental Organizations/Civil Society and International Organisations

Non-governmental Organisations and Civil Society plays very important roles in the socio-economic development of the Techiman North District. Participation by these stakeholders is shown at the levels of information sharing, consultation, collaboration, partnership and empowerment.

To ensure ownership of the Assembly’s development agenda it is necessary that avenues be created for stakeholders and other interested partners with contributions to get involved in the development effort. This is the effective way to generate true sustainability and public support for the development process.

The District Assembly has therefore instituted channels for consultations with stakeholders at the District, Area Council and Community levels. These include public fora, information dissemination, Questions and Answers fora, Area Council meetings and public education. These are basically executed by involve the information Service Department and the National Commission for Civic Education, District Planning Co-ordinating Unit (DPCU) as well as the Civil Society Organizations.


German International Cooperation (GIZ)

Under the policy of Energy for productive use and capacity building component, the then GTZ now GIZ, in collaboration with the Assembly has extended electricity and  water to the light industrial site, graveled 1.5km access road and built 2 KVIPs for the site. Capacity building workshops were organised for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) in Local Economic Development. Target groups comprised;

• Staff and entrepreneurs (including business set-ups of formal and informal MSME’s in the non-agricultural
    sector(trade, artisans, agro-processing industries, crafts, service industry)

• Women entrepreneurs

• All institutions involved in Local Economic Development in the District.

The projects main support strategy was the promotion of an enabling environment for entrepreneurs in the district through;

• Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage (PACA)

• Improving access of rural entrepreneurs to Business Development Services

• Promotion of Local Economic Development (LED)




Date Created : 5/10/2019 8:01:22 AM