Monitoring and Evaluation
Role of other Development Partners
The Assembly recognizes the enormous contribution of its development partners which includes the private sector, Donors and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). It is therefore the Assembly’s commitment to provide the required enabling environment to attract private sector investment and donor support by providing the basic infrastructure in the various communities.
Some of the Development partners and their areas of operation are listed as follows:
• DANIDA — Water and Sanitation
• CBRDP - Sanitation, education & capacity building
• EU - Education
• ADRA -Agriculture-capacity building
• World Vision Inter. - education, HIV/AIDS AGRIC
• The Hunger Project Ghana empowerment of women health
• ORAP - water & sanitation
• Development Problems
Key Development Problem
Low capital base for small scale industries
1. Difficulty in accessing credit - collateral as a hindrance to capital
2. Lack of skills
3. High cost of local raw materials
4. Low prices of finished products
5. Purchasing of finished products on credit
6. Lack of marketing fronts among industrialists
7. Limited access to credit facilities . Unfavorable land tenure system
8. Use of obsolete technologies and machines
9. Inadequate supply of water
10. Poor nature of road network
11. High transport fares
12. Few banking institutions
There is however immense opportunities for investment in this sector especially in the rural areas. The Assembly will therefore provide the needed infrastructure to attract such investment to boast the local economy. Some of the development problems identified in the situational analysis have been classified under the three GPRS11 pillars as follows:
Private sector Development
• Trade/Commerce And Industry
• Inadequate private sector investment especially in the rural areas
• Difficulties with accessing credit facilities for groups and small scale enterprise
• Inadequate market infrastructure
• Lack of modern lorry stations
• Inadequate agro processing industries
1. Inadequate agriculture extension services
2. Low level of agriculture technology- resulting in low input
3. Poor marketing networks and facilities (storage) resulting in unstable prices
4. High cost farm inputs
5. Limited access to credit (farmers)
• Poor nature of feeder roads especially to cocoa/cola producing areas
• Broken down culverts/lack of culverts in some feeder roads
• Traffic congestion at main commercial areas (Nkawkaw Township)
• Inadequate routine maintenance on our roads
• Inadequate directional signs in Nkawkaw township
• Inadequate by -pass in Nkawkaw township
Inadequate extention of electricity to most communities in the Municipality.
Science And Technology
Limited ICT facilities eg internet services
High level of unemployment among the youth
Lack of facilities for skills development
Date Created : 11/26/2017 1:29:48 PM